Configuring and Administering ColdFusion 9

Extensions section

Use the Extensions section of the Administrator to configure ColdFusion to work with other technologies, such as Java and CORBA.

Java Applets page

The Java Applets page of the Administrator lets you register applets and edit and delete applet registrations. Before you can use Java applets in your ColdFusion applications, register them in the Java Applets page.

When your applet is registered with ColdFusion, using the cfapplet tag in your CFML code is simple, because all parameters are predefined: Enter the applet source and the form variable name to use.

Note: Parameters set with the cfapplet tag override parameters defined on the Java Applets page.

For more information, see the Online Help.

CFX Tags page

Before you can use a CFX tag in ColdFusion applications, register it. Use the CFX Tags page to register and manage ColdFusion custom tags built with C++ and Java.

You can build CFX tags in the following two ways:

  • Using C++ as a dynamic link library (DLL) on Windows or as shared objects (.so or .sl extension) on Solaris and Linux

  • Using Java interfaces defined in the cfx.jar file

For more information, see the Online Help.

Custom Tag Paths page

Use the Custom Tag Paths page of the Administrator to add, edit, and delete custom tag directory paths. The default custom tag path is under the installation directory. To use custom tags in another path, register the path on this Administrator page.

For more information, see the online Help.

CORBA Connectors page

Use the CORBA Connectors page to register, edit, and delete CORBA connectors. Register CORBA connectors before you use them in ColdFusion applications and restart the server when you finish configuring the CORBA connector.

ColdFusion loads object request broker (ORB) libraries dynamically by using a connector, which does not restrict ColdFusion developers to a specific ORB vendor. The connectors depend on the ORB runtime libraries provided by the vendor. A connector for Borland Visibroker is embedded within ColdFusion. Make sure that the ORB runtime libraries are in cf_root/runtime/lib (server configuration) or cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib (multiserver and J2EE configurations).

The following table contains information about the libraries and connectors:

Operating System



ColdFusion connector

ORB library

Windows NT and later


VisiBroker 4.5

coldfusion.runtime.corba.VisibrokerConnector (embedded)




VisiBroker 4.5

coldfusion.runtime.corba.VisibrokerConnector (embedded)


Example of a CORBA connector configuration for VisiBroker:

ORB Name                            visibroker 
ORB Class Name                            coldfusion.runtime.corba.VisibrokerConnector 
ORB Property File                            c:\ColdFusion9\runtime\cfusion\lib\ 
Classpath                            [blank]

ColdFusion includes the file, which contains the following properties that configure the ORB:
