Configuring and Administering ColdFusion 9

Initial administration tasks

Immediately after you install ColdFusion, you might have to perform some or all the administrative tasks described in the following table:



Establish database connections

ColdFusion applications require data source connections to query and write to databases. To create, verify, edit, and delete database connections, use the Data Sources page.

For more information, see Data Source Management.

Specify directory mappings

Directory mappings redirect relative file paths to physical directories on your server. To specify server-wide directory aliases, use the Mappings page.

For more information, see Mappings page.

Configure debugging settings

Debugging information provides important data about CFML page processing. To choose the debugging information to display, and to designate an IP address to receive debugging information, use the Debugging & Logging section.

For more information, see Debugging Output Settings page.

Set up e-mail

E-mail lets ColdFusion applications send automated e-mail messages. To configure an e-mail server and mail options, use the Mail Server page.

For more information, see Mail page.

Change passwords

You might have to change the passwords that you set for the ColdFusion Administrator and Remote Development Service (RDS) during ColdFusion installation. To change passwords, use the Security section.

For more information, see Administrator page and RDS page.

Define user-specific access to the ColdFusion Administrator

To grant user-specific access to the ColdFusion Administrator, you create users and specify a user name, password, applicable sandboxes, and the sections of the ColdFusion Administrator that each user can access. For more information, see Security section.

Configure Java settings

(Server configuration only) You might have to customize Java settings, such as classpath information, to meet the needs of your applications. To change Java settings, use the Java and JVM page.

For more information, see Extensions section.

Restrict tag access

Some CFML tags might present a potential security risk for your server. To disable certain tags, use the Sandbox Security page.

For more information, see Administering Security.