Data & Services section

The Data & Services section of the Administrator is the interface for ColdFusion, data sources, and Verity search and indexing features. The following table describes some common tasks that you can perform in the Data & Services section of the Administrator:



Create and manage JDBC data sources

The Data Sources page lets you establish, edit, and delete JDBC data source connections for ColdFusion. For more information, see Data Source Management.

Create and maintain ColdFusion collections

The ColdFusion Collections page lets you create and delete Verity/Solr collections and perform maintenance operations on collections that you create. For more information, see ColdFusion Collections page.

Define mappings for web services

The Web Services page lets you produce and consume remote application functionality over the Internet. For more information, see Web Services page.

Specify settings to integrate with Adobe® Flex™ applications

The Flex Integration page lets you specify which Flex integration features to enable and which IP addresses can perform data service operations. For more information, see Flex Integration page.

Data Sources page

The Data Sources page lets you create, edit, and delete JDBC data sources. Before you can use a database in a ColdFusion application, you register the data source in the ColdFusion Administrator. For more information, see Data Source Management.

ColdFusion Collections page

Use this page to create and manage your Verity or Solr collections.

ColdFusion lets you manage your collections from the Administrator. You can index, optimize, purge, or delete Verity/Solr collections that are connected to ColdFusion. You use the icons in the Actions column to perform the following actions:




Analyzes the files in a collection and assembles metadata and pointers to the files.


Reclaims space left by deleted and changed files by consolidating collection indexes for faster searching. You should optimize collections regularly.


Deletes all documents in a collection, but not the collection itself. Leaves the collection directory structure intact.


Deletes a collection.

ColdFusion includes Verity and Solr, which provides indexing and searching technology. This enables creating, populating, and managing collections of indexed data that are optimized for fast and efficient site searches.

A collection is a logical group of documents and metadata about the documents. The metadata includes word indexes, an internal documents table of document field information, and logical pointers to the document files.

For more information about building search interfaces, see Building a Search Interface and Solr search support in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

If the ColdFusion Collections page is unable to retrieve collections, ensure that Verity/Solr Search Server is running.

For more information, see Collections and the ColdFusion Verity architecture and Solr Server and Collections.

Verity K2 Server page

You can install Verity on a different host computer from the computer on which ColdFusion is running. If so, configure the host to be used by ColdFusion for performing search operations. In addition, you may need to use advanced settings to configure the aliases and ports of the services that ColdFusion uses. You need not change these values if you are running with the ColdFusion installed version of Verity.

Web Services page

You can use web services to produce and consume remote application functionality over the Internet. The ColdFusion Administrator lets you register web services so that you do not have to specify the entire Web Services Description Language (WSDL) URL when you reference the web service. The first time you reference a web service, ColdFusion automatically registers it in the Administrator.

When you register a web service, you can shorten your code and change a web service URL without editing your code. For more information, see Using Web Services in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

Flex Integration page

Use this page to specify which Flex integration features to enable and which IP addresses can perform data-service operations. If you enable Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES support, but do not specify any IP addresses, only processes on the local computer can connect to the LiveCycle Data Services ES server in ColdFusion.



Enable Flash Remoting Support

Specifies whether to enable Flash clients to connect to this ColdFusion server and invoke methods in ColdFusion components (CFCs).

Enable Remote LiveCycle Data Management Access

Specifies whether to enable a LiveCycle Data Services ES server to connect to this ColdFusion server and invoke methods in CFCs to fill, sync, get, or count records in a result set used in a Flex application. Enable this option only if you are running LiveCycle Data Services ES remotely.

Server Identity

Specifies the ColdFusion server on which you want to enable Flex Data Management Support.

Enable RMI Over SSL For Data Management

To encrypt communication between ColdFusion and Flex, enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Select IP Addresses Where LiveCycle Data Services Are Running

Specifies which LiveCycle Data Services ES servers can connect to the LiveCycle Data Services ES support in ColdFusion. If you do not specify a list of allowed IP addresses, only processes on the local computer can connect to the LiveCycle Data Services ES support in ColdFusion

To use SSL, create a keystore file. The keystore is a self-signed certificate. (You do not need a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority, although if you do use one, you do not need to configure Flex as indicated in the following steps.) The information in the keystore is encrypted and can be accessed only with the password that you specify. To create the keystore, use the Java keytool utility, which is included in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Enable SSL

  1. Create the keystore.

  2. Configure Flex.

  3. Enable SSL in the ColdFusion Administrator.

Create the keystore

 To generate the SSL server (ColdFusion) keystore file, use the keytool utility, with a command similar to the following:
keytool -genkey -v -alias FlexAssembler -dname "cn=FlexAssembler" -keystore cf.keystore -keypass mypassword -storepass mypassword

The following table describes the parameters of the keytool utility:




The name of the keystore entry. You can use any name for this, as long as you are consistent when referring to it.


The Distinguished Name, which contains the Common Name (cn) of the server.


The location of the keystore file.


The password for your private key.


The password for the keystore. The encrypted storepass is stored in ColdFusion configuration files.


Generates the certificate in the printable encoding format.


The name of the keystore file.


Generates detailed certificate information

Place the certificate you created in the file that the JVM uses to determine what certificates to trust. The file in which you place the certificate (usually named cacerts), is located in the JRE, in the lib/security folder.

Configure Flex

  1. To export the keystore to a certificate, use the keytool utility, with a command similar to the following:

    keytool -export -v -alias FlexAssembler -keystore cf.keystore -rfc -file cf.cer
  2. To import the certificate into the JRE cacerts file for your server, use the keytool utility, with a command similar to the following:

    keytool -import -v -alias FlexAssembler -file cf.cer -keystore C:\fds2\UninstallerData\jre\lib\security\cacerts

The preceding example specifies the location of the keystore for LiveCycle Data Services ES with integrated JRun, installed by using the default settings. If you are using a different server, specify the location of the cacerts file for the JRE that you are using. For example, if you are using JBoss, specify the keystore location as $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

Enable SSL in the ColdFusion Administrator

  1. Select Data & Services > Flex Integration, and specify the keystore file in the Full Path To Keystore box.

  2. Specify the keystore password in the Keystore Password box.

  3. Select Enable RMI Over SSL For Data Management, and then click Submit Changes.

If you specify an invalid keystore file or password, ColdFusion does not enable SSL, and disables LiveCycle Data Management Support.