

Calculates the tangent of an angle that is entered in radians.


A number; the tangent of an angle.

Function syntax


See also

Atn, Cos, ACos, Sin, ASin, Pi





Angle, in radians, for which to calculate the tangent.


To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by p/180. To convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180/p.

Note: Because the function uses floating point arithmetic, it can return a small number (such as 6.12323399574E-017) for angles that must produce 0 and can return a large number (such as 1.63312393532E+016) for infinity or not a number. To test for a 0 value, check whether the value is less than 0.0000000000001. To test for an infinite value, check whether the value is more than 1E15.


<h3>Tan Example</h3> 
<!--- Calculate tangent if form has been submitted ---> 
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.tanNum")> 
<!--- Make sure input is a number ---> 
    <cfif IsNumeric(#FORM.tanNum#)> 
<!--- Convert degrees to radians, call the Tan function. ---> 
<cfset tanValue=#Tan((Form.tanNum * PI()) / 180)#> 
<!--- 0.0000000000001 is the function's precision limit. 
    If absolute value of returned value is  
    less, set result to 0 ---> 
<cfif Abs(tanValue) LT 0.0000000000001> 
    <cfset tanValue=0> 
        Tan(#FORM.tanNum#) = #tanValue#<br><br> 
<!--- If input is not a number, show an error message ---> 
        <h4>You must enter a numeric angle in degrees.</h4> 
<form action = "#CGI.script_name#" method="post"> 
Enter an angle in degrees to get its tangent: 
<br><input type = "Text" name = "tanNum" size = "15"> 
<input type = "Submit" name = "">&nbsp;&nbsp; 
<input type = "RESET" 