ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
ThreadJoinDescriptionMakes the current thread wait until the thread or threads specified complete processing. Function syntaxThreadJoin([threadName], [timeout]) HistoryColdFusion 9: Added this function. Parameters
UsageMakes the current thread wait until the thread or threads specified in the threadNameparameter complete processing, or until the period specified in the timeoutparameter passes, before continuing processing.
Example<cfscript> thread name="t1" { sleep(5000); } thread name="t2" { threadjoin("t1",1000); } threadjoin("t2"); </cfscript> <cfoutput>Status of the thread T1 = #t1.Status#<br></cfoutput> <cfoutput>Status of the thread T2 = #t2.Status#<br></cfoutput> |