the cosine of an angle that is entered in radians.
ReturnsA number;
the cosine of the angle.
Function syntaxCos(number)
Angle, in radians, for which to calculate
the cosine
UsageThe range
of the result is -1 to 1.
To convert degrees to radians,
multiply degrees by p/180. To convert radians to degrees, multiply
radians by 180/p.
Note: Because the function uses
floating point arithmetic, it returns a small number (such as 6.12323399574E-017)
for angles that must produce 0. To test for a 0 value, check whether
the value is less than 0.0000000000001.
Example<h3>Cos Example</h3>
<!--- Calculate cosine if form has been submitted. --->
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.cosNum")>
<!--- Make sure input is a number. --->
<cfif IsNumeric(#FORM.cosNum#)>
<!--- Convert degrees to radians, call the Cos function. --->
<cfset cosValue=#Cos((Form.cosNum * PI()) / 180)#>
<!--- 0.0000000000001 is the function's precision limit. If the absolute value
of the returned cosine value is less, set result to 0 .--->
<cfif Abs(cosValue) LT 0.0000000000001>
<cfset cosValue=0>
<cfoutput>Cos(#FORM.cosNum#) = #cosValue#<br><br></cfoutput>
<!--- If input is not a number, show an error message. --->
<h4>You must enter a numeric angle in degrees.</h4>
<form action = "#CGI.script_name#" method="post">
Enter an angle in degrees to get its cosine:
<br><input type = "Text" name = "cosNum" size = "15"><br><br>
<input type = "Submit" name = "">
<input type = "RESET"