Viewing Server Monitor Reports

When you start the Server Monitor, the Overview page appears. To return to the Overview page from any other page, click Overview.

By default, the Server Monitor retrieves data for graphs every 5 seconds; it retrieves data for reports every 30 seconds. All the graphs let you display either all the data collected, or the data collected for a specified recent period.

The Server Monitor lets you control the detail, which you turn on and off with the following buttons:

Start Monitoring
Turns on all monitoring.

Start Profiling
Turns on monitoring of individual tags, functions, and query execution times.

Start Memory Tracking
Turns on tracking of memory that different scopes use. If Profiling is also on, the Server Monitor tracks the memory that individual tags, functions, and queries use.

Turning on or off monitoring, profiling, and memory tracking determines which data the Server Monitor gathers. For example, all the query reports require that you turn on profiling. The performance effect of turning on monitoring and profiling is minimal; however the performance effect of memory tracking can be significant.