Starting the ColdFusion Server Monitor

The ColdFusion Server Monitor is a SWF application that you access from the ColdFusion Administrator. The Server Monitor begins gathering and displaying data when you start it.

The ColdFusion Multiserver Monitor is a SWF application that can provide information about more than one ColdFusion server. To gather detailed information about one ColdFusion server, use the Server Monitor. To gather information about several servers, use the Multiserver Monitor.

Start the ColdFusion Server Monitor

  1. Start the ColdFusion Administrator.

  2. Select Server Monitoring > Server Monitor, and then click Launch Server Monitor.

Start the ColdFusion Multiserver Monitor

  1. Start the ColdFusion Administrator.

  2. Select Server Monitoring > Server Monitor, and then click Launch Multiserver Monitor.

By default, server monitoring is turned off. To start and stop monitoring, profiling, and memory tracking, click the corresponding buttons in the top bar of the Server Monitor. The following table indicates what data the Server Monitor collects when you click the Start button:



Start Monitoring

Starts gathering information about all requests, including active requests, slowest requests, active sessions, cumulative server usage, highest hit counts, template cache status, request throttle data, requests that timed out, requests with errors, and server alerts. The Server Monitor does not gather information for requests that are excluded on the Filter Settings page.

Start Profiling

Starts gathering tag and function timing information for the Slowest Requests report; the CFML stack trace for the Active Requests report; information about active queries, slowest queries, cached queries, and query cache status; database pool status; and the most frequently run queries. This information gathering lets you find bottlenecks in your application. You can view details about each request that is slow or consumes a lot of memory. You can determine which tags and functions cause the request to run slowly and which variables consume the most memory. You can use this information on both development and production servers. To gather the profiling information, turn on monitoring, profiling, and, if needed, memory tracking.

Start Memory Tracking

Starts gathering information about memory consumption, including overall memory usage, the queries and sessions that use the most memory, the memory usage of all application and server scopes, and profiling information on the largest variables on the Requests by Memory Usage report, if profiling is enabled.

You must enable profiling to view query-related reports; you must enable profiling and memory tracking to view the Queries by Memory Usage report.

Reset All Statistics

Resets all statistics collected on the server.


Updates the data for all the graphs, reports, and message boxes on the page.