
Request Statistics

The Request Statistics section contains the following reports:

Active Requests

The Active Requests report lists all currently active requests that take longer to load than the request interval for reports specified in the Refresh Interval setting. Requests include browser requests, CFC HTTP requests, web services, gateways, and Flash remoting. You can view a list, a detailed view, or a graph of active requests. The detailed view includes the CFML stack trace, which you can use to find deadlocked requests and where a long running request is blocked. To see all request graphs in one view, click Chart. The graph indicates the number of requests that the server is currently processing and the number of requests that are awaiting allocation of an application server thread to begin execution. If the graph indicates that many requests are queued, you might want to increase the size of the thread pool. Alternatively, if ColdFusion is deployed in a cluster, you may want to add a server instance for more efficient load balancing.

Note: The Server Monitor includes LiveCycle Data Management Assemblers as Flash Remoting requests.

Active ColdFusion Threads

The Active ColdFusion Threads report lists all currently active threads. You can view a list, a detailed view, or a graph of active threads.

Slowest Requests

The Slowest Requests report lists the slowest requests. You can specify the threshold that determines whether a request appears on this page. The lower the threshold, the more requests appear on the list. Use the Report Size option to limit the number of items in the list. You can view a list or a detailed view of the slowest requests. The detailed view includes the CFML stack trace. For more information, see Request handling.

Slowest ColdFusion Threads

The Slowest ColdFusion Threads report lists the slowest ColdFusion threads. You can specify the threshold that determines whether a ColdFusion thread appears in this report. As the threshold decreases, the number of requests in the report increases.

Active Sessions

The Active Sessions report lists all active sessions. You can view a list, a detailed view, or a graph of active sessions. The graph displays the active sessions and the number of users logged in to the server.

Cumulative Server Usage

The Cumulative Server Usage report lists the requests that have cumulatively used the most CPU time on the server. Even if a request runs rapidly, if it runs frequently, it can consume a large proportion of CPU time. Tuning requests with high cumulative server time can provide server-wide performance benefits. You can view a list, a detailed view, or a graph of cumulative server usage. Use the Report Size option to limit the number of items in the list.

Highest Hit Counts

The Highest Hit Counts report lists the requests that have the highest hit count. You can view a list or a graph of requests with the highest hit count. Use the Report Size option to limit the number of items in the list.

Template Cache Status

The Template Cache status report shows information about the template cache to indicate how it is performing. The template cache is where ColdFusion stores compiled CFM and CFC templates in memory. When a template is executed for the first time, it is compiled to Java bytecode, and then stored in the template cache. As long as the template is unchanged, ColdFusion uses the compiled form of the template stored in the template cache. The Template Cache status page lets you monitor the cache-hit ratio, which indicates the number of cache hits in relation to the number of cache misses. Cache hits are the templates retrieved from the cache. Cache misses are the templates that must be compiled before being placed in the cache. A server that is performing well should have more cache hits than misses, which is a high cache-hit ratio. If the cache-hit ratio is too low, you might want to increase the cache size by selecting Server Settings > Caching in the ColdFusion Administrator. For more information, see Caching. The Template Cache page also lets you monitor the number of templates in the cache, and the estimated memory that the cache occupies.

Note: The template cache count includes both the Least Recently Used (LRU) cache and the soft cache. As a result, the count can exceed the number configured in the ColdFusion Administrator.

Request Throttle Data

The Request Throttle Data report lists all requests that the ColdFusion server throttles. Requests are throttled when ColdFusion queues them, because not enough total memory is available to handle them. Requests smaller than the specified limit are not queued or counted as part of the total memory. Requests larger than the specified limit are counted as part of total memory and are queued if the request throttle-memory size of the request is exceeded. The default value is 4 MB. To change the throttle threshold and memory, select Server Settings > Settings in the ColdFusion Administrator.

Memory Usage

The Memory Usage section contains the following reports:

Memory Usage Summary

The Memory Usage Summary report displays a graph that shows the estimated memory consumption by persistent scopes on the server, including the server scope, the application scopes, and the session scopes. If your server is consuming too much memory, the graph provides information about which scope is using too much memory, and when the increased memory consumption began. Detailed reports let you examine estimated memory consumption for the server scope and all active application and session scopes. For more information, see Variable memory usage.

Note: Memory usage information displayed in the Server Monitor is estimated and might vary from the actual memory usage. The information in the memory usage report is based on empirical estimates of how different Java types, and their corresponding ColdFusion types, consume memory. Use the information provided in the memory usage report as an indicator rather than an absolute measure. Also, the Server Monitor does not track COM objects for memory usage information.

Requests by Memory Usage

The Requests by Memory Usage report lists the requests that use the most memory. You can view a list or a detailed view. The detailed view lists the variables that use the most memory during the execution of the request.

CF Threads by Memory Usage

The CF Threads by Memory Usage report lists the ColdFusion threads that use the most memory.

Queries by Memory Usage

The Queries by Memory Usage report lists the queries that use the most memory. When a query appears in this report, you might want to tune the query to reduce the size of the result set, or cache the query to reduce memory consumption and network traffic. This report does not include information about cached queries.

Sessions by Memory Usage

The Sessions by Memory Usage report lists the sessions that use the most memory.

Application Scope Memory Usage

The Application Scope Memory Usage report lists the application scopes that use the most memory. The detail lists the application scope variables that use the most memory.

Server Scope Memory Usage

The Server Scope Memory Usage page lists the server scope variables that use the most memory.


The Database section contains the following reports:

Active Queries

The Active Queries report lists all currently active queries that take longer to load than the threshold specified on the Slowest Queries report. You can view a list or a detailed view.

Slowest Queries

The Slowest Queries report provides the Slowest Queries report and the Slowest Queries by Average report. Both reports let you identify queries by template name and line number. The slowest queries report shows specific instances of a query that is slow, along with the SQL statement for the query. The detail view includes the SQL statement. This information lets you determine why an instance of that query was slow. The Slowest Queries by Average report indicates queries that are slow on average. This report does not provide the SQL code for the queries because the SQL statement might vary from one instance of the query to another. Cached queries are not included in either report. To improve performance, tune the queries listed in these reports. If the result of a query is static, you can improve performance by caching the query using ColdFusion’s query cache. For more information, see Database response time.

Cached Queries

The Cached Queries report lists the queries that were cached. You can view a list of cached queries or details about an individual query. If the execution time of a query is low, determine if you really need to cache it. If the execution count is high, tune the cachedafter and cachedwithin settings of the query.

Query Cache Status

The Query Cache Status report graphs the number of cached queries, the estimated memory that the query cache consumes, and the query cache-hit ratio. Performance increases as the query cache-hit ratio increases. If the cache-hit ratio is too low, you might want to increase the size of the query cache. Alternatively, to analyze how your application uses the query cache, determine whether you can tune the cachedAfter and cachedWithin attributes of the cfquery tag. If the query cache is too large, determine if you can move some queries out of the cache.

Pool Status

The Pool Status report lists the data sources, whether an application on the ColdFusion server is using the data source, and the number of connections. You can view a list of data sources or details about an individual data source.

Most Frequently Run Queries

The Most Frequently Run Queries report lists the queries that were made the most. Even if individual instances of a query run rapidly, tuning queries with a high frequency can result in improved performance. This report does not provide information about cached queries. You can view a list of queries or details about an individual query.


The Errors section includes the following reports:

Requests with Errors

The Requests with Errors report lists the templates that generate an error. The report includes the path of the template, and the number of times errors occurred in that template. For the most recent error, the report indicates the time of the error, the error message, CFML stack traces, and Java stack traces. You can view a list of templates or details about an individual template. The detailed information includes the CFML stack trace.

Requests Timed Out

The Requests Timed Out page lists the templates that timed out. The report includes the path of the template, the number of times the template timed out, the most recent response time for the template, the time when the template was most recently used, the most recent estimated request size, and the CFML stack trace. A Java stack trace is not provided because time outs can only occur within CFML. You can view a list of templates or details about an individual template. The detailed information includes the CFML stack trace.