ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
Custom error type name hierarchyYou can name custom exception types using a method that is similar to Java class naming conventions: domain name in reverse order, followed by project identifiers, as in the following example: <cfthrow type="com.myCompany.myApp.Invalid_field.codeValue" errorcode="Dodge14B"> This fully qualified naming method is not required; you can use shorter naming rules, for example, myApp.Invalid_field.codeValue, or even codeValue. This naming method is not just a convention; ColdFusion uses the naming hierarchy to select from a possible hierarchy of error handlers. For example, assume that you use the following cfthrow statement: <cfthrow type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidAccount"> Any of the following cfcatch error handlers would handle this error: <cfcatch type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidAccount"> <cfcatch type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException"> <cfcatch type="MyApp"> The handler that most exactly matches handles the error. In this case, the MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidAccount handler runs. However, if you used the following cfthrow tag: <cfthrow type="MyApp.BusinessRuleException.InvalidVendorCode the MyApp.BusinessRuleException handler receives the error. The type comparison is not case sensitive. |