Using the cfthrow tag

You can use the cfthrow tag to raise your own, custom exceptions. When you use the cfthrow tag, you specify any or all of the following information:




The type of error. It can be a custom type that has meaning only to your application, such as InvalidProductCode. You can also specify Application, the default type. You cannot use any of the predefined ColdFusion error types, such as Database or MissingTemplate.


A brief text message indicating the error.


A more detailed text message describing the error.


An error code that is meaningful to the application. This field is useful if the application uses numeric error codes.


Any additional information of use to the application.

All of these values are optional. You access the attribute values in cfcatch blocks and Exception type error pages by prefixing the attribute with either cfcatch or error, as in cfcatch.extendedInfo. The default ColdFusion error handler displays the message and detail values in the Message pane and the remaining values in the Error Diagnostic Information pane.