About the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse

To make some common coding tasks easier, the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse include the following:

  • Eclipse RDS Support plug-in, which lets you access files and data sources on a ColdFusion server.

  • ColdFusion/Flex Application wizard, which lets you create master and detail pages in an application to create, read, update, and delete records in a database.

  • ColdFusion/Ajax Application wizard, which lets you create master and detail pages that use Ajax elements in an application to create, read, update, and delete records in a database.

  • RDS CRUD wizard, which lets you dynamically create a ColdFusion component (CFC) based on a table that is registered in the ColdFusion Administrator on a ColdFusion server

  • ActionScript to CFC wizard, which lets you create a CFC based on an ActionScript class file.

  • CFC to ActionScript wizard, which lets you create an ActionScript file based on a CFC Value Object

  • Services Browser, which lets you browse CFCs, manage a list of web services, and generate the CFML code to invoke a web service.

For information about installing the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse, see Installing ColdFusion guide.