
When you use Apache, you modify the apache_root/conf/httpd.conf file to create virtual hosts and run the Web Server Configuration Tool. You store ColdFusion pages under the web root of each virtual website.

Connect multiple Apache virtual hosts on a web server to a single ColdFusion server

  1. Configure DNS for each virtual website, as described in your web server documentation.

  2. Open the apache_root/conf/httpd.conf file in a text editor and create virtual hosts, as necessary. For more information, see your Apache documentation. For example:

    ServerAdmin admin@yoursite.com 
    DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs" 
    ServerName SERVER02 
    ErrorLog logs/error.log 
    ServerAdmin admin@yoursite.com 
    DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs2" 
    ServerName mystore 
    ErrorLog logs/error-store.log 
    ServerAdmin admin@yoursite.com 
    DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs3" 
    ServerName myemployee 
    ErrorLog logs/error-employee.log 
  3. Test each virtual host to ensure that HTML pages are served correctly.

  4. Run the Web Server Configuration Tool, as follows:

    • GUI - Specify Apache for the Web Server, specify the directory that contains the httpd.conf file, and select the Configure Web Server for ColdFusion Applications check box.

    • Command line - Specify -wsapache and the directory that contains the httpd.conf file, as the following example shows:

      cf_root/runtime/bin/wsconfig.exe -ws apache  
      -dir "c:\program files\apache group\apache2\conf"  
      -cfwebroot cf_root/wwwroot -coldfusion -v

    For additional UNIX command-line examples, see Using the command-line interface.

    The Web Server Configuration Tool updates the httpd.conf file. For a sample, see Apache.

  5. Restart Apache. You store ColdFusion files for each virtual host in the directory specified by the DocumentRoot directive.

  6. Test each virtual host to ensure that ColdFusion pages are served correctly.