Updating from an earlier version for J2EE

If you previously deployed the ColdFusion J2EE configuration on your application server, you must also perform the following steps as part of the installation procedure:

  1. As appropriate for your application server, either stop the ColdFusion application and RDS application (if it is running), or stop the application server before you start the installation wizard.

  2. (Windows only) If you installed the SequelLink ODBC Agent, stop the ODBC services before you start the installation wizard.

  3. Copy application files to a backup directory.

  4. Save settings by copying the files cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib/neo-*.xml to a backup directory.

  5. Before you deploy ColdFusion 9, undeploy the previous ColdFusion application using your application-server-specific undeploy functionality.

  6. Deploy ColdFusion 9 as described in Deploying ColdFusion 9 on JRun 4, Deploying ColdFusion 9 on IBM WebSphere, Deploying ColdFusion 9 on BEA WebLogic, Deploying ColdFusion 9 on Oracle Application Server 10g, or Deploying ColdFusion 9 on JBoss Application Server.

  7. Create a directory named cfXsettings (in which X is the earlier version of ColdFusion) in the cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib directory.

  8. Copy the backed up settings files to the ColdFusion 9 cfusion/lib/cfXsettings directory.

  9. Edit the ColdFusion 9 cfusion/lib/adminconfig.xml file by setting the value of the runmigrationwizard and the migratecfX (in which X is the earlier version of ColdFusion) switch to true.

  10. Restart the ColdFusion 9 application.

  11. Browse to ColdFusion Administrator to run the migration wizard.

    Note: The migration wizard supports only the migration of settings from ColdFusion 7 and ColdFusion 8.