Postinstallation problems

CLOB and data corruption


You are using the Japanese version of ColdFusion and Oracle 8/9 with NLS_Characterset JA16SJJS, and encounter CLOB corruption and data corruption.


Set codepageoverride=MS932 in the JDBC URL.

Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters


You are running ColdFusion on WebSphere 5.1 on IBM JVM 1.4.1 and encounter an “Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters” exception.


Install unlimited jurisdiction policy files, as follows:

  1. Download and install Unrestricted JCE Policy files for IBM SDK 1.4 from

  2. Unzip the file.

  3. Copy files unzipped from this link to the jre/lib/security directory.

  4. Restart WebSphere.

Virtual mapping resource path of /* does not work


You add a virtual mapping resource path of /* which does not work.


Do not map any directories to wildcard resource paths that contain WEB-INF as a virtual mapping. In ColdFusion MX 6.1, the fact that this worked was a side-effect of the particular way the classloader was configured. For ColdFusion MX 7 and later, the classloader is consistent across all editions; the ColdFusion classloader is no longer blended with the application server’s classloader. This change was made to ensure that ColdFusion MX 7 worked consistently in stand-alone server as well as deployed as an EAR/WAR to any certified J2EE application server.