Migration problems

Data sources not recognized


When you migrate from an earlier version of ColdFusion to ColdFusion 9, your application does not recognize data sources.


Redefine the data sources.

CFCs not recognized in Dreamweaver


When you migrate from an earlier version of ColdFusion to ColdFusion 9, the CFCs do not appear in the Components panel of Dreamweaver.


Check the mappings and update them as necessary.

Installation fails


On UNIX and Linux systems, when you try to install ColdFusion on systems where the /tmp partition is mounted noexec, the installation fails.


This is because the install attempts to use the /tmp directory for unpacking and running the installer runtime. To avoid this issue, set the IATEMPDIR environment variable to a directory on the system that has execute permissions before running the installer.


When you try to install ColdFusion, the installation fails and generate the error:

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)" 


You must clean up the directory to which the installer is trying to extract the JRE, for example, /tmp.