Configuring web servers in UNIX

You configure web servers in UNIX by doing one of the following:

Configuring Apache web server in UNIX

You can configure and verify the Apache web server for ColdFusion in UNIX.

Note: When running the Web Server Configuration Tool on the multiserver configuration, wsconfig.jar is located in jrun_root/lib. On the server configuration only, you can also use the scripts in cf_root/bin/connectors, modifying them, as appropriate for your environment.

Configure the Apache web server for ColdFusion in UNIX

 Enter the following command on a single line:
wsconfig -server servername -ws Apache -dir <apache config directory> -coldfusion -v

If you are configuring Apache on 64-bit Solaris, you must also specify a -ws64 switch, which is required to configure 64-bit Apache, in the wsconfig command.

Note: You must enter the wsconfig command and all switches as a single (long) line.

The wsconfig file is in cf_root/runtime/bin (server configuration) or jrun_root/bin (multiserver configuration)

The following is a sample command:

/opt/coldfusion9/runtime/bin/wsconfig -server coldfusion -ws Apache -dir /etc/httpd/conf-coldfusion -v
Note: For unique configurations (such as the preconfigured Apache web servers from Redhat or Sun), add the -bin and -script parameters, as described in the Configuring and Administering ColdFusion guide.

Verify your Apache configuration

  1. Verify that one of the following files was created:

    • cf_root/runtime/lib/wsconfig/number/ (Apache 1.3.x)

    • cf_root/runtime/lib/wsconfig/number/ (Apache 2.0)

    • cf_root/runtime/lib/wsconfig/number/ (Apache 2.x)

    In the multiserver configuration, this file is located under jrun_root/lib/wsconfig.

  2. Open the Apache configuration file, httpd.conf, in your Apache conf directory. By default it is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

Verify that the following code is added to this file:

# JRun Settings 
LoadModule jrun_module "/opt/ColdFusion9/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" 
<IfModule mod_jrun.c> 
     JRunConfig Verbose false 
     JRunConfig Apialloc false 
     JRunConfig Ssl false 
     JRunConfig Serverstore "/opt/ColdFusion9/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" 
     JRunConfig Bootstrap 
     #JRunConfig Errorurl <URL for errors> 
     JRunConfig jrun-handler .jsp .jws .cfm .cfml .cfc 

Configure SunOne 6.0/Sun Java System Web Server 7 on UNIX

You can configure and verify SunONE (6.x)/Sun Java System Web Server (7.0) for ColdFusion in UNIX.

Note: When running the Web Server Configuration Tool on the multiserver configuration, wsconfig.jar is located in jrun_root/lib. On the server configuration only, you can also use the scripts in cf_root/bin/connectors, modifying them, as appropriate for your environment.
  1. Launch the cfroot/runtime/bin launch wsconfig tool.

  2. Click Add, and then select Sun Web Server 7.

  3. Select conf dir from the Sun Web Server root (created instance).

  4. Select the Configure Web Server For ColdFusion Applications option and click Add.

  5. Edit both the magnus.conf file and the obj.conf file (located in the sun_install_dir/server_instance/conf directory) by commenting lines that contain j2ee.

  6. Go to the sun_install_dir/bin directory.

  7. Execute the following command:

    ./wadm pull-config --user=admin --port=(admin_port) --config=(server_instance) admin_instance

Unconfigure SunOne 6.0/Sun Java System Web Server 7 on UNIX

  1. Launch the cfroot/runtime/bin launch wsconfig tool.

  2. Select Sun ONE Web Server, and then click Remove.

  3. Edit both the magnus.conf file and the obj.conf file (located in the sun_install_dir/server_instance/conf directory) by uncommenting lines that contain j2ee.

  4. Go to the sun_install_dir/bin directory.

  5. Execute the following command:

    ./wadm pull-config --user=admin --port=(admin_port) --config=(server_instance) admin_instance