About multiserver configuration

When you install ColdFusion using the multiserver configuration, the installation wizard automatically deploys and configures ColdFusion on its own JRun server. This configuration supports server instance creation in the ColdFusion Administrator and lets you manage ColdFusion deployments on multiple JRun servers.

If you already have JRun 4 installed and you want to use the server instance creation feature of ColdFusion, you must uninstall it before you install the multiserver configuration of ColdFusion.

When you use the multiserver configuration, you can use the ColdFusion Administrator to define multiple server instances on a single computer, each running ColdFusion. Running multiple instances of ColdFusion has the following advantages:

Application isolation
You deploy an independent application to each server instance. Each server instance has separate settings, and because each server instance runs in its own instance of the JVM, problems encountered by one application have no effect on other applications.

Load balancing and failover
 You deploy the same application to each server instance and add the instances to a cluster. The web server connector optimizes performance and stability by automatically balancing load and by switching requests to another server instance when a server instance stops running.

For more information on configuring ColdFusion on multiple server instances, including detailed information for configuring multiple server instances when running on JRun 4, see the Configuring and Administering Adobe® ColdFusion® 9 guide.

For more information about J2EE servers, see ColdFusion and J2EE application servers.