Installing the multiserver configuration in UNIX

Install the multiserver configuration in UNIX

  1. Read the online version of the Release Notes for any late-breaking information or updates. For more information, see

  2. Ensure that your operating system meets the system requirements described on the Adobe website at

  3. Review the Installation considerations for UNIX and Installation considerations for all platforms.

  4. Determine the answers to the questions in the section Gathering information necessary to install the multiserver configuration.

  5. Log in as root.

  6. Copy the installation file that is appropriate for your platform and locale from the DVD or Adobe website, and save it to a directory on your local disk.

    The following installation files are those for the supported server configuration platforms:

    • coldfusion-90-lin.bin

    • coldfusion-90-sol.bin

  7. Using the cd command, go to the directory that contains the installation file.

  8. Start the installation with the following command:

    ./<filename> -i console

    The installation program starts.

    Note: To run the UNIX installer in GUI mode, type ./<filename> -i gui.
  9. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. Ensure that you select Multiserver configuration.

    Note: For security reasons, it is crucial that you do not use root for the runtime user.
  10. When the installation completes successfully, start the JRun cfusion server:

    jrun_root/bin/jrun -start cfusion
  11. If you specified external web server settings when you ran the installation wizard, run the jrun_root/bin/ shell script. The script runs the Web Server Configuration Tool, which configures the web server for use with ColdFusion. The web server should also be running.

    If there are problems running this script, review the configuration and bin directory specifications, modify as necessary, and rerun the script. You can also configure your web server using the scripts in jrun_root/bin/connectors, or through java -jar jrun_root/lib/wsconfig.jar, as appropriate.

    Note: This step is important, because if you specified the use of an external web server when you ran the installation wizard, the CFIDE and cfdocs directories are placed under that web server’s root directory, and you must successfully configure the web server before you open the ColdFusion Administrator.
  12. Open ColdFusion Administrator to run the configuration wizard.

  13. Configure and manage your system, as described in Configuring Your System.

  14. To learn about ColdFusion, read the documentation, which is accessible through the Documentation link on the Resources page of the ColdFusion Administrator.

  15. Code ColdFusion CFM pages.

    If you configured an external web server, store CFM pages under your web root directory. If you are using the built-in web server, store CFM pages under the web application root (jrun_root/servers/cfusion/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war) and access these pages using a URL of the form http://hostname:8300/context-root/filename.cfm, as follows:

    • hostname The machine name, IP address, or localhost.

    • contextroot The context root for the ColdFusion web application. For more information, see Context root.

    • filename The directory path and file to display. The path is relative to the cfusion-war directory.

      For example, to display a CFM file located at /opt/jrun4/servers/cfusion/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/eisapp/index.cfm using the built-in JRun web server and a context root of cfmx, you specify the URL as http://localhost:8300/cfmx/eisapp/index.cfm.