Switching from another web server

You can switch from an external web server to the built-in ColdFusion web server without reinstalling, even if you did not select it during installation.

Switch from an external web server to the built-in web server

  1. Back up the jrun.xml file.

    This file is in the cf_root\runtime\servers\default\SERVER-INF directory in Windows, and in the cf_root/runtime/servers/default/SERVER-INF directory in UNIX.

  2. Open the original jrun.xml file for editing.

  3. Locate the WebService service and set the deactivated attribute to false:

    <service class="jrun.servlet.http.WebService" name="WebService"> 
        <attribute name="port">8500</attribute> 
        <attribute name="interface">*</attribute> 
        <attribute name="deactivated">false</attribute> 
  4. Locate the ProxyService service and set the deactivated attribute to true:

    <service class="jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService" name="ProxyService"> 
         <attribute name="activeHandlerThreads">8</attribute> 
         <attribute name="minHandlerThreads">1</attribute> 
         <attribute name="maxHandlerThreads">1000</attribute> 
         <attribute name="mapCheck">0</attribute> 
         <attribute name="threadWaitTimeout">20</attribute> 
         <attribute name="backlog">500</attribute> 
         <attribute name="deactivated">true</attribute> 
  5. Save the file.

  6. Copy the CFM pages in your web root directory (including the CFIDE and cfdocs directories) to the ColdFusion cf_root/wwwroot directory, and use appropriate URL references (for example, http://localhost:8500/YourApp1/index.cfm). If you switch from the built-in web server to an external web server, copy the contents of the cf_root/wwwroot directory to your web server root. If you are using Adobe Dreamweaver, ensure that you reconfigure any sites that you move from one server to another.

  7. Restart ColdFusion.

    To switch to another web server, follow the instructions for the appropriate web server on your platform in Configuring web servers.