Installing LiveCycle Data Services Manually

To be able to use LiveCycle Data Services ES 2.6.1 with ColdFusion 9, you need to manually install it, after completing your ColdFusion installation. To install LiveCycle Data Services, a .zip file is provided.

Note: The following instructions use the term “lcds_install_root” to refer to the installation home directory for LiveCycle Data Services ES 2.6.1.

Before you start the installation process:

  1. Shut down your ColdFusion 9 server if its running.

  2. Copy the ColdFusion9/lib/flex-messaging*.jar files to a backup location. If you are running a multiserver instance or a J2EE installation, these files are in the WEB-INF/cfusion/lib directory.

  3. Copy the lcds_install_root/resources/lib/flex-messaging*.jar files and overwrite them into the ColdFusion /lib directory.

  4. Retain a backup of your old services-config.xml, data-management-config.xml, to refer to your old channels and destinations.

  5. After extracting file, copy services-config.xml, flex-sdk-description.xml, and data-management-config.xml from LCDS2.6.1_for_CF9/WEB-INF/flex directory to ColdFusion 9 WEB-INF/flex/.

  6. Copy the following SWC libraries from LCDS2.6.1_for_CF9/WEB-INF/flex/libs to the ColdFusion 9 directory:

    • /WEB-INF/flex/libs/fds.swc file to the /WEB-INF/flex/libs directory

    • /WEB-INF/flex/libs/player/playerfds.swc file to the /WEB-INF/flex/libs/player/ directory

    • /WEB-INF/flex/locale/en_US/fds_rb.swc file over the /WEB-INF/flex/locale/en_US/ directory

  7. Copy cfdataservicesadapter.jar from LCDS2.6.1_for_CF9/WEB-INF/flex/jars to ColdFusion WEB-INF/flex/jars.

  8. If your LiveCycle Data Services applications use RTMP channel, open the ColdFusion WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml file and uncomment "cf-rtmp" channel. By default it is commented.

  9. Set the value for <use-mappings> to true, if it is not already set and create a mapping for your application folder.

  10. If your old Channel had the <instantiate-types> present under <serialization> xml tag, then either remove <instantiate-types>, or set it to true. ColdFusion now has its own custom serializer and deserializer, so the instantiate-types needs to be true.

    Also, set the <enable-small-messages> flag to false.

    Either of the following samples of the serialization constructs is expected at channel level.

    Sample 1:


    Sample 2:

  11. Add your data management destinations from the old file to the new data-management-config.xml file. In ColdFusion 9 release, there are few changes in the destination and channel structure due to changes in the serialization process.

    The following properties have been moved from destination to channel level. You need to move these properties under <channel-definition> > <properites> > <coldfusion> from your destination level in your data-management-config.xml file:


    For details, see Changes in the XML configuration files for Flash Remoting in ColdFusion 9 in Developing ColdFusion Applications.

  12. Start ColdFusion server.