Try/catch code rules and recommendations
these rules and recommendations when you use cftry and cfcatch tags:
The cfcatch tags must follow all other
code in a cftry tag body.
You can nest cftry blocks. For example,
the following structure is valid:
code that may cause an exception
<cfcatch ...>
First level of exception handling code
<cfcatch ...>
Second level of exception handling code
If an exception occurs in the first
level of exception-handling code, the inner cfcatch block
can catch and handle it. (An exception in a cfcatch block cannot
be handled by cfcatch blocks at the same level
as that block.)
ColdFusion always responds to the latest exception that gets
raised. For example, if code in a cftry block causes
an exception that gets handled by a cfcatch block,
and the cfcatch block causes an exception that
has no handler, ColdFusion displays the default error message for
the exception in the cfcatch block, and you are
not notified of the original exception.
If an exception occurs when the current tag is nested inside
other tags, the CFML processor checks the entire stack of open tags
until it finds a suitable cftry/cfcatch combination
or reaches the end of the stack.
Use cftry with cfcatch to
handle exceptions based on their point of origin within an application
page, or based on diagnostic information.
The entire cftry tag, including all its cfcatch tags,
must be on a single ColdFusion page. You cannot place the <cftry> start
tag on one page and have the </cftry> end
tag on another page.
For cases
when a cfcatch block is not able to successfully
handle an error, consider using the cfrethrow tag, as described
in Using the cfrethrow tag.
If an exception can be safely ignored, use a cfcatch tag
with no body; for example:
<cfcatch Type = Database />
In problematic cases, enclose an exception-prone tag in a
specialized combination of cftry and cfcatch tags
to immediately isolate the tag's exceptions.