Standard cfcatch variables

The following table describes the variables that are available in most cfcatch blocks:

Property variable



A detailed message from the CFML compiler. This message, which can contain HTML formatting, can help to determine which tag threw the exception.

The cfcatch.Detail value is available in the CFScript catch statement as the exceptionVariable parameter.


The cfthrow tag can supply a value for this code through the errorCode attribute. For Type="Database", cfcatch.ErrorCode has the same value as cfcatch.SQLState.

Otherwise, the value of cfcatch.ErrorCode is the empty string.


Custom error message information. This is returned only to cfcatch tags for which the type attribute is Application or a custom type.

Otherwise, the value of cfcatch.ExtendedInfo is the empty string.


The exception’s default diagnostic message, if one was provided. If no diagnostic message is available, this is an empty string.

The cfcatch.Message value is included in the value of the CFScript catch statement exceptionVariable parameter.


The Java servlet exception reported by the JVM as the cause of the “root cause” of the exception.


An array of structures structure containing information for each tag in the tag stack The tag stack consists of each tag that is currently open.


The exception’s type, returned as a string.

Note: If you use the cfdump tag to display the cfcatch variable, the display does not include variables that do not have values.

The cfcatch.TagContext variable contains an array of tag information structures. Each structure represents one level of the active tag context at the time when ColdFusion detected the exception. That is, there is one structure for each tag that is open at the time of the exception. For example, if the exception occurs in a tag on a custom tag page, the tag context displays information about the called custom tag and the tag in which the error occurs.

The structure at position 1 in the array represents the currently executing tag at the time the exception was detected. The structure at position ArrayLen represents the initial tag in the stack of tags that were executing when the compiler detected the exception.

The following table lists the tagContext structure attributes:




Obsolete (retained for backwards compatibility). Always 0.


The tag in which the exception occurred. Exceptions in CFScript are indicated by two question marks (??). All custom tags, including those called directly, are identified as cfmodule.


The line on the page in which the tag is located.


The raw Java stack trace for the error.


The pathname of the application page that contains the tag.


The type of page; it is always a ColdFusion page.