Event flow of the ColdFusion service

  1. Use the ActionScript flash.net.FileReference APIs and the Util.UPLOAD_URL variable to upload an Image, PDF, or mail attachment to the server on which the action has to be performed. The upload URL to supply to the flash.net.FileReference APIs can be constructed as follows in the ActionScript part of the application:

    uploadURL.url = "http://"+conf.cfServer+":"+conf.cfPort+"/" +conf.contextRoot+"/"+Util.UPLOAD_URL;

    Here, specify "conf.cfServer", "conf.cfPort" and "conf.ContextRoot" in the <cf:Config> tag. Specify "conf.ContextRoot" only if ColdFusion is deployed as a J2EE application.

    Note: The ActionScript FileUpload functionality is out of the scope for this feature hence it is not explained in detail, but an example of the usage is provided in code in MAIL class section. For further information on FileUpload functionality see the ActionScript documentation.
  2. Once the file is uploaded, the server returns an XML response containing URL of the uploaded file. Use the Util class function extractURLFromUploadResponse() to extract the URL from the XML

  3. Use the file URL in the source attribute of the service tags.

  4. When the required service tag attributes are set, run the service action by calling the following method:

  5. If the action succeeds, the server returns the result. If there is an exception, it returns the fault. Handle the ResultEvent and FaultEvent objects in the service-specific result handler and fault handler that you specify in the service tag, or in global handlers that you specify in the <cf:config>. The ResultEvent object contains the URL of the File on which the operations have been performed. Users can save this file by downloading it on their machine or rendering it in the application. The FaultEvent object contains the exception details that occurred on the server while performing the operation.