The cfrethrow tag syntax

The following pseudocode shows how you can use the cfrethrow tag to create an error-handling hierarchy:

        Code that might throw a database error 
        <cfcatch Type="Database"> 
            <cfif Error is of type I can Handle> 
                Handle it 
    <cfcatch Type="Any"> 
        General Error Handling code 

Although this example uses a Database error as an example, you can use any cfcatch type attribute in the innermost error type.

Follow these rules when you use the cfrethrow tag:

  • Nest cftry tags, with one tag for each level of error handling hierarchy. Each level contains the cfcatch tags for that level of error granularity.

  • Place the most general error catching code in the outermost cftry block.

  • Place the most specific error catching code in the innermost cftry block.

  • Place the code that can cause an exception error at the top of the innermost cftry block.

  • End each cfcatch block except those in the outermost cftry block with a cfrethrow tag.