Adding and deleting attributes of a directory entry

The following table lists the cfldap tag attributes that you must specify to add and delete LDAP attributes in an entry:


cfldap syntax

Add attribute to entry

dn = "entry dn" 
action = "modify" 
modifyType = "add" 
attributes = "attribname=attribValue[;...]"

Delete attribute from entry

dn = "entry dn" 
action = "modify" 
modifyType = "delete" 
attributes = "attribName[;...]"

You can add or delete multiple attributes in one statement. To do this, use semicolons to separate the attributes in the attribute string.

The following example specifies the description and seealso LDAP attributes:

attributes="description=Senior Technical Writer;seealso=writers"

You can change the character that you use to separate values of multivalued attributes in an attribute string. You can also change the character that separates attributes when a string contains multiple attributes. For more information, see Specifying an attribute that includes a comma or semicolon.

You can add or delete attributes only if the directory schema defines them as optional for the entry’s object class.