Validating XML documents
ColdFusion provides the following methods for validating
a document against a DTD or an XML Schema:
The XmlParse function can validate XML
text that it is parsing against a DTD or Schema. It the function
encounters a validation error, ColdFusion generates an error and
stops parsing the text. If the validator generates warnings, but
no errors, ColdFusion parses the document and returns the result.
The XmlValidate function can validate an
XML text document or XML document object. against a DTD or Schema.
The function returns a data structure with detailed information
from the validator, including arrays of warning, error, and fatal
error messages, and a Boolean status variable indicating whether
the document is valid. Your application can examine the status information
and determine how to handle it further.
For examples of XML validation, see XmlParse and XmlValidate in
the CFML Reference. The XmlParse example
validates a document using a DTD. The XmlValidate example
validates the document using an XML Schema that represents the same
document structure as the DTD.