Configuring an event gateway instance
you develop or deploy an event gateway application, use the ColdFusion Administrator
to configure an event gateway instance that handles the event messages.
You specify the following information:
An event gateway ID to identify the specific event gateway
instance. You use this value in the CFML GetGatewayHelper and SendGatewayMessage functions.
The event gateway type, which you select from the available
event gateway types, such as SMS or Socket.
The absolute path to the listener CFC or CFCs that handles
incoming messages. If you have multiple listener CFCs, enter the
paths separated by commas. Specify absolute file paths, even if
you place the CFCs in the ColdFusion gateway\cfc directory.
A configuration file, if necessary for this event gateway
type or instance.
The event gateway start-up status; one of the following:
- Automatic
- Start the event gateway when ColdFusion starts.
- Manual
- Do not start the event gateway with ColdFusion, but allow
starting it from the ColdFusion Administrator Event Gateways list.
- Disabled
- Do not allow the event gateway to start.