ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
Working with meeting notices and requestsYour mailbox gets a meeting notice when someone takes any of the following actions:
The information provided by the cfexchangemail tag with the get action does not provide detailed information about meeting. It only includes the following meeting-related information:
Also, a meeting request does not appear in your calendar (so you cannot get detailed information about it using the cfexchangecalendar tag) until you accept it. To get detailed information about a meeting message, use the cfexchangemail tag with the getMeetingInfo action. After getting the information, you can take the necessary action, such as using an cfexchangecalendar tag with the response action to accept or decline a meeting request. Get meeting message details and respond to meeting requests
The following example shows how you can use this process. It displays all meeting invitations in the Inbox and lets the user respond to each request and send a message with the response: <cfexchangeconnection action="open" username ="#user2#" password="#password2#" server="#exchangeServerIP#" connection="conn1"> <cfif isDefined("Form.Submit")> <!--- When the form has been submitted, send the responses. ---> <cfloop index="k" from="1" to="#Form.responses#"> <cfset resp = Form["response" & k] > <cfset msg = Form["respMessage" & k] > <cfset msguid = Form["UID" & k] > <cfexchangecalendar action="respond" connection="conn1" uid="#msguid#" responseType="#resp#" message="#msg#"> <cfoutput><h4>Response #k# sent!</h4></cfoutput> </cfloop> <cfelse> <!--- Get all messages with meeting Requests. ---> <cfexchangemail action="get" name="requests" connection="conn1"> <cfexchangefilter name="MessageType" value="Meeting_Request"> </cfexchangemail> <!--- Get the meeting request data. ---> <cfloop query="requests"> <cfexchangemail action="getmeetinginfo" connection="conn1" name="meeting" meetinguid="#MeetingUID#"> <cfset meetingData[requests.currentrow]=meeting> </cfloop> <!--- Display the invitation data in a form. ---> <cfform name="bar"> <cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(meetingData)#"> <cfoutput> <h3>Meeting Request #j#</h3> Subject: #meetingData[j].Subject# <br /> Sensitivity: #meetingData[j].Sensitivity# <br /> Organizer: #meetingData[j].Organizer# <br /> All Day?: #meetingData[j].AllDayEvent# <br /> Day: #DateFormat(meetingData[j].StartTime)# Starts: #TimeFormat(meetingData[j].StartTime)# Ends: #TimeFormat(meetingData[j].EndTime)# <br /> Duration: #meetingData[j].Duration# <br /> Location: #meetingData[j].Location# <br /> Message: #meetingData[j].Message# <br /> </cfoutput> <!--- Specify the response to this invitation. ---> <h4>response:</h4> <cfinput type="radio" checked name="response#j#" value="accept"> Accept <cfinput type="radio" name="response#j#" value="decline">Decline <cfinput type="radio" name="response#j#" value="tentative">Tentative <br /> <cftextarea name="respMessage#j#" label="Message (optional)" width="300" height="200" /> <cfinput type="hidden" name="UID#j#" value="#meetingData[j].MeetingUID#"> <hr /> </cfloop> <cfinput type="hidden" name="responses" value="#ArrayLen(meetingData)#"> <cfinput type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </cfform> </cfif> <cfexchangeconnection action="close" connection="conn1"> For an example that gets information about all declined meeting messages in the Inbox and all its subfolders, see the example in Getting and using folder names. |