Getting Exchange items and attachments

You can get calendar events, contacts, mail messages, and tasks from the Exchange server. You can also get attachments to these items.

Getting an exchange item and its attachments can require multiple operations.

  • To get mail that is not directly in the Inbox, specify the path from the root of the mailbox to the mail folder, and you can get items from only a single mail folder at a time. You can use the cfexchangeconnection tag to get the names, paths, and sizes of all folders in a mailbox, and can use the results to iterate over the folders.

  • To get an attachment to an item, you must first get the item, and then use the item UID to get its attachments.

  • If an Exchange item contains a message with inline images, the images are available as attachments. You can get the attachments, use the attachment CID to locate the image in the message, and display the image inline.

    Note: The getattachment action does not always populate the CID field for HTML mail that contains inline attachments, such as images. This problem occurs because some Exchange clients do not always set the CID values if the attachments are sent inline.