Services Browser
ColdFusion Services Browser lets you view all of the CFCs and web
services on your computer.
Use the Services BrowserIn Flash Builder or Eclipse, select Window >
Show View > Other.
Select ColdFusion > Services Browser.
The Services Browser can do the following:
Browse components
Manage web services
Browsing componentsThe Service Browser lists the following components:
Components that the ColdFusion component browser lists
ColdFusion component browser is located at cf_root/wwwroot/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm.
Components that are located in any directories specified
in the ColdFusion Administrator Mappings page
Components that are located in any directories specified
in the ColdFusion Administrator Custom Tag paths page
You can restrict the list of CFCs according to whether the functions
in a CFC are remote, public, or private.
A sample element of the list appears as follows:
The first line of the listing contains the path. The second line
includes the name of the CFC. The next two lines contain the names
of the functions in the CFC. The function name is followed by any
argument, a colon, then the type of the return value. The listing
echo(echoString):STRING indicates that the echo function
has an argument named echoString, and that it returns
a string. The myCFC CFC appears as follows:
<cffunction name="echo" output="No" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="echoString" required="Yes">
<cfreturn "echo: #arguments[1]#">
<cffunction name="getArtists" returntype="query" hint="query the database and return the
<cfquery name="artists" datasource="cfcodeexplorer">
select *
from artists
<cfreturn artists>
Managing web servicesThe Services Browser lets you manage a list of web services
by adding or deleting WSDL URLs from a list. In addition, when you
are editing a ColdFusion file, you can use the Services Browser
to generate CFML code to invoke a web service or to create a web
service object. Similarly, when you are editing an ActionScript
file, you can use the Services Browser to generate ActionScript.
To view the list of web services, click the Show Web Services
button in the top right corner of the Services Browser view.
Add a web service to the listRight-click in the Services Browser view.
Select Add WSDL.
Enter a valid WSDL URL.
Click OK.
Delete a web service from the listRight-click in the Services Browser view.
Select Delete WSDL.
Invoke a web service in ColdFusionPlace your mouse pointer where you want to insert
the code.
View the list of web services.
Highlight a web service or a method in a web service and
Select Insert CFInvoke.
The code that the Service Browser generates appears in the ColdFusion
file. The following is an example of the code that the Service Browser
returnVariable="convertMapCoordToPixelCoord" >
<cfinvokeargument name="mapCoord" type="" />
<cfinvokeargument name="viewExtent" type="" />
<cfinvokeargument name="mapImageSize" type="" />
Create a web service object in ColdFusionPlace your mouse pointer where you want to insert
the code.
View the list of web services.
Highlight a web service or a method in a web service and
Select Insert CFInvoke.
The code that the Service Browser generates appears in the ColdFusion
file. The following is an example of the code that the Service Browser
createObject("webservice", "http://arcweb.esri.com/services/v2/MapImage.wsdl").convertMapCoordToPixelCoord(mapCoord, viewExtent, mapImageSize);