Sample SMS application

The following CFC implements a simple employee phone directory lookup application. The user sends a message containing some part of the name being looked up (a space requests all names). The onIncomingMessage response depends on the number matches.

  • If no match exists, the onIncomingMessage function returns a message indicating that no matches exist.

  • If one match exists, the function returns the name, department, and phone number.

  • If up to ten matches exist, the function returns a list of the names preceded by a number that the user can enter to get the detailed information.

  • If over ten matches exist, the function returns a list of only the first ten names. A more complex application could let the user get multiple lists of messages to provide access to all names.

  • If the user enters a number, and previously got a multiple-match list, the application returns the information for the name that corresponds to the number.

The following listing shows the CFC code:

    <cffunction name="onIncomingMessage"> 
        <cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES"> 
        <!--- Remove any extra white space from the message. ---> 
        <cfset message =Trim(> 
        <!--- If the message is numeric, a previous search probably returned a 
            list of names. Get the name to search for from the name list stored in 
            the Session scope. ---> 
        <cfif isNumeric(message)> 
                if (structKeyExists(session.users, val(message))) { 
                    message = session.users[val(message)]; 
        <!--- Search the database for the requested name. ---> 
        <cfquery name="employees" datasource="cfdocexamples"> 
            select FirstName, LastName, Department, Phone 
            from Employees 
            where 0 = 0 
            <!--- A space indicates the user entered a first and last name. ---> 
            <cfif listlen(message, " ") eq 2> 
                and FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%' 
                and LastName like '#listlast(message, " ")#%' 
            <!--- No space: the user entered a first or a last name. ---> 
                and (FirstName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%'  
                or LastName like '#listFirst(message, " ")#%') 
        <!--- Generate andreturn the message.---> 
            returnVal = structNew(); 
            returnVal.command = "submit"; 
            returnVal.sourceAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.gatewayid; 
            returnVal.destAddress = arguments.CFEVENT.originatorid; 
            //No records were found.  
            if (employees.recordCount eq 0) { 
                returnVal.shortMessage = "No records found for '#message#'"; 
            //One record was found. 
            else if (employees.recordCount eq 1) { 
            // Whitespace in the message text results in bad formatting, 
            // so the source cannot be indented. 
                returnVal.shortMessage = "Requested information: 
#employees.firstName# #employees.lastName# 
            //Multiple possibilities were found. 
            else if (employees.recordCount gt 1) { 
                //If more than ten were found, return only the first ten. 
                if (employees.recordCount gt 10) 
                    returnVal.shortMessage = "First 10 of #employees.recordCount# records"; 
                    returnVal.shortMessage = "Records found: #employees.recordCount#"; 
                // The session.users structure contains the found names. 
                // The record key is a number that is also returned in front of the  
                // name in the message. 
                session.users = structNew(); 
                for(i=1; i lte min(10, employees.recordCount); i=i+1) 
                    // These two lines are formatted to prevent extra white space. 
                    returnVal.shortMessage = returnVal.shortMessage & " 
#i# - #employees.firstName[i]# #employees.lastName[i]#"; 
                    // The following two lines must be a single line in the source 
                    session.users[i]="#employees.firstName[i]# #employees.lastName[i]#"; 
            return returnVal; 