Accessing delegated accounts

In Exchange, one user can grant, or delegate, another user access rights to their account. Users can delegate reviewer (read-only), author (read/write), or editor (read-write-delete) rights to any combination of the calendar, contacts, Inbox, or task list.

Note: You cannot use ColdFusion to delegate access rights.

To access the delegator’s account as a delegated user, specify the following information:

  • Specify the delegated user’s user name and password in the username and password attributes.

  • Specify the mailbox name of the account that you are accessing in the mailboxName attribute.

You can access the account in a cfexchangeconnection tag that opens a persistent connection, or in a ColdFusion Exchange tag that uses a transient connection.

For example, if access rights to the docuser3 account are delegated to docuser4, you can use the cfexchangeconnection tag as in the following example to open a connection to the docuser3 account by using docuser4’s credentials:

<cfexchangeconnection action="open" 

You can use this connection for any activities that docuser3 has delegated to docuser4. If docuser3, for example, has only delegated reviewer rights to the calendar, you can use this connection only with the cfexchangecalendar tag with get and getAttachments attributes.