Enabling access to the Exchange server

To enable access to the Exchange server, ensure the following:

  • The Exchange server, Exchange access, and WebDav access are configured in IIS.

  • The Exchange server enables Outlook web access to all login users.

  • If you are using HTTPS to log into the exchange server, you have a valid client certificate in the JRE certificate store.

Ensure that IIS is configured for access to the Exchange server

  1. Open the IIS manager from the Administrative Tools control panel on the machine where the Exchange server is installed.

  2. Expand the Web Sites node in the tree on the left pane. If you see Exchange there, the web application is configured for Exchange. If you do not see it, follow the Microsoft instructions for configuring Exchange in the website

  3. Click the Web Service Extension node in the tree on the left pane. The right pane shows Web Service Extensions and their status. Make sure that Microsoft Exchange Server and WebDav entries are both allowed. If either entry is prohibited, select it and click the Allow button.

Enabling Outlook web access

To establish any connection, the Exchange server must grant the login user Outlook web access.

Check and grant web access

  1. In the Exchange administrator, open Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers > your domain name > users.

  2. Right-click the user whose ID you use to establish connections.

  3. Select the Exchange Features tab.

  4. In the Protocols section, enable the Outlook Web Access entry if it is disabled.

Enabling HTTPS access to the Exchange server

To enable HTTPS access from ColdFusion to the Exchange server you must

  • Enable SSL on the Exchange server system

  • Ensure that the JRE certificate store has a valid client certificate

Enabling SSL on the Exchange server system

Use the following steps to enable SSL on the Exchange server system:

  1. On the system where the Exchange server is installed, open the IIS manager from the Administrative Tools control panel.

  2. In the tree on the left pane, expand the Web Sites node,

  3. Right-click Exchange and ExchWeb in the expanded list and open the Web Site Properties dialog, then click the Directory Security tab.

  4. In the Secure Communications section, click Edit to open the Secure Communications dialog. Select the Require secure channel (SSL) option, click OK, and click Apply.

As an alternative to steps 3 and 4, you could do the following: Right-click Default Web Site. In Secure Communications->Edit, check the Require secure channel (SSL) option, click OK, and Click Apply. Select the nodes (for example Exchange) for which to enable SSL.

Enabling HTTPS access on the ColdFusion server

To use HTTPS to access the exchange server, you must have a valid client certificate in the JRE certificate store. If a known authority did not issue the certificate on the Exchange server, install a certificate. The Java certificate store already contains certificates from some authorities.

You can ask your system administrator to give you a certificate that you can install on the ColdFusion server, or you can do the following:

  1. Open Outlook Web Access in Internet Explorer and go to File->Properties.

  2. Click the certificates button.

  3. Click the Details tab and the 'Copy To File' button on the tab. Then follow the wizard options to save the certificate.

To install the certificate, run the following command using keytool.exe, which is in the jre\bin folder:

keytool.exe -importcert -file <path_to_certificate_file> -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
Note: The keytool.exe program requires you to enter a password. The default password is changeit.