Connecting to COM objects

The action attribute of the cfobject tag provides the following two ways to connect to COM objects:

Create method
(cfobject action="Create") Takes a COM object, typically a DLL, and instantiates it before executing methods and assigning properties.

Connect method
(cfobject action="Connect") Links to an object, typically an executable, that is already running on the server.

You can use the optional cfobjectcontext attribute to specify the object context. If you do not specify a context, ColdFusion uses the setting in the Registry. The following table describes the context attribute values:

Attribute value



An in-process server object (typically a DLL) that is running in the same process space as the calling process, such as ColdFusion.


An out-of-process server object (typically an EXE file) that is running outside the ColdFusion process space but running locally on the same server.


An out-of-process server object (typically an EXE file) that is running remotely on the network. If you specify remote, Also use the server attribute to identify where the object resides.