ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
Examples: using Java with CFMLThe following examples show several examples of using Java objects in CFML. They include examples of using a custom Java class, a standard Java API class in a user-defined function, a JavaBean, and an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB). Using a Java API in a UDFThe following example of a user-defined function (UDF) is functionally identical to the GetHostAddress function from the NetLib library of UDFs from the Common Function Library Project, It uses the InetAddress class from the standard Java 2 package to get the Internet address of a specified host: <cfscript> function GetHostAddress(host) { // Define the function local variables. var iaddrClass=""; var address=""; // Initialize the Java class. iaddrClass=CreateObject("java", ""); // Get the address object. address=iaddrClass.getByName(host); // Return the address return address.getHostAddress(); } </cfscript> <cfoutput>#gethostaddress("")#</cfoutput> Using an EJBColdFusion can use EJBs that JRun 4.0 servers provide. The JRun server jrun.jar file must have the same version as the jrun.jar file in ColdFusion. To call an EJB, you use cfobject to create and call the appropriate objects. Before you use an EJB, do the following:
Note: To use an EJB served by a JRUN server, your
ColdFusion installation and the JRun server that hosts the EJB must
have the same version of the jrun.jar file (located in cf_root\runtime\lib
directory in ColdFusion).
Although the specific steps for using an EJB depend on the EJB server and on the EJB itself, they generally correspond to the following order.
The following code shows this process using a simple Java Entity bean on a JRun 4.0 server. It calls the getMessage method of the bean to obtain a message. <html> <head> <title>cfobject Test</title> </head> <body> <H1>cfobject Test</H1> <!--- Create the Context object to get at the static fields. ---> <CFOBJECT action=create name=ctx type="JAVA" class="javax.naming.Context"> <!--- Create the Properties object and call an explicit constructor---> <CFOBJECT action=create name=prop type="JAVA" class="java.util.Properties"> <!--- Call the init method (provided by cfobject) to invoke the Properties object constructor. ---> <cfset prop.init()> <!--- Specify the properties These are required for a remote server only ---> <cfset prop.put(ctx.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "jrun.naming.JRunContextFactory")> <cfset prop.put(ctx.PROVIDER_URL, "localhost:2908")> <!--- <cfset prop.put(ctx.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin")> <cfset prop.put(ctx.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "admin")> ---> <!--- Create the InitialContext ---> <CFOBJECT action=create name=initContext type="JAVA" class="javax.naming.InitialContext"> <!--- Call the init method (provided through cfobject) to pass the properties to the InitialContext constructor. ---> <cfset initContext.init(prop)> <!--- Get reference to home object. ---> <cfset home = initContext.lookup("SimpleBean")> <!--- Create new instance of entity bean. (hard-wired account number). Alternatively, you would use a find method to locate an existing entity bean. ---> <cfset mySimple = home.create()> <!--- Call a method in the entity bean. ---> <cfset myMessage = mySimple.getMessage()> <cfoutput> #myMessage#<br> </cfoutput> <!--- Close the context. ---> <cfset initContext.close()> </body> </html> Using a custom Java classThe following code provides a more complex custom class than in the example Creating and using a simple Java class. The Example class manipulates integer, float, array, Boolean, and Example object types. The Example classThe following Java code defines the Example class. The Java class Example has one public integer member, mPublicInt. Its constructor initializes mPublicInt to 0 or an integer argument. The class has the following public methods:
public class Example { public int mPublicInt; public Example() { mPublicInt = 0; } public Example(int IntVal) { mPublicInt = IntVal; } public String ReverseString(String s) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(s); return new String(buffer.reverse()); } public String[] ReverseStringArray(String [] arr) { String[] ret = new String[arr.length]; for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { ret[arr.length-i-1]=arr[i]; } return ret; } public int Add(int a, int b) { return (a+b); } public float Add(float a, float b) { return (a+b); } public Example Add(Example a, Example b) { return new Example(a.mPublicInt + b.mPublicInt); } static public int SumArray(int[] arr) { int sum=0; for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { sum += arr[i]; } return sum; } static public Example SumObjArray(Example[] arr) { Example sum= new Example(); for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { sum.mPublicInt += arr[i].mPublicInt; } return sum; } static public int[] ReverseArray(int[] arr) { int[] ret = new int[arr.length]; for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { ret[arr.length-i-1]=arr[i]; } return ret; } static public boolean Flip(boolean val) { System.out.println("calling flipboolean"); return val?false:true; } } The useExample ColdFusion pageThe following useExample.cfm page uses the Example class to manipulate numbers, strings, Booleans, and Example objects. The CFML JavaCast function ensures that CFML variables convert into the appropriate Java data types. <html> <head> <title>CFOBJECT and Java Example</title> </head> <body> <!--- Create a reference to an Example object ---> <cfobject action=create type=java class=Example name=obj> <!--- Create the object and initialize its public member to 5 ---> <cfset x=obj.init(JavaCast("int",5))> <!--- Create an array and populate it with string values, then use the Java object to reverse them. ---> <cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)> <cfset myarray[1]="First"> <cfset myarray[2]="Second"> <cfset myarray[3]="Third"> <cfset ra=obj.ReverseStringArray(myarray)> <!--- Display the results ---> <cfoutput> <br> original array element 1: #myarray[1]#<br> original array element 2: #myarray[2]#<br> original array element 3: #myarray[3]#<br> after reverseelement 1: #ra[1]#<br> after reverseelement 2: #ra[2]#<br> after reverseelement 3: #ra[3]#<br> <br> </cfoutput> <!--- Use the Java object to flip a Boolean value, reverse a string, add two integers, and add two float numbers ---> <cfset c=obj.Flip(true)> <cfset StringVal=obj.ReverseString("This is a test")> <cfset IntVal=obj.Add(JavaCast("int",20),JavaCast("int",30))> <cfset FloatVal=obj.Add(JavaCast("float",2.56),JavaCast("float",3.51))> <!--- Display the results ---> <cfoutput> <br> StringVal: #StringVal#<br> IntVal: #IntVal#<br> FloatVal: #FloatVal#<br> <br> </cfoutput> <!--- Create a two-element array, sum its values, and reverse its elements ---> <cfset intarray=ArrayNew(1)> <cfset intarray[1]=1> <cfset intarray[2]=2> <cfset IntVal=obj.sumarray(intarray)> <cfset reversedarray=obj.ReverseArray(intarray)> <!--- Display the results ---> <cfoutput> <br> IntVal1 :#IntVal#<br> array1: #reversedarray[1]#<br> array2: #reversedarray[2]#<br> <br> </cfoutput><br> <!--- Create a ColdFusion array containing two Example objects. Use the SumObjArray method to add the objects in the array Get the public member of the resulting object---> <cfset oa=ArrayNew(1)> <cfobject action=create type=java class=Example name=obj1> <cfset VOID=obj1.init(JavaCast("int",5))> <cfobject action=create type=java class=Example name=obj2> <cfset VOID=obj2.init(JavaCast("int",10))> <cfset oa[1] = obj1> <cfset oa[2] = obj2> <cfset result = obj.SumObjArray(oa)> <cfset intval = result.mPublicInt> <!--- Display the results ---> <cfoutput> <br> intval1: #intval#<br> <br> </cfoutput><br> </body> </html> |