Setting the initial view of a PDF document

To set the initial view of a PDF document, use the InitialViewProfile DDX element. Setting the initial view determines how the PDF output file is displayed on the screen when it is first opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. You reference the InitialViewProfile by using the InitialView attribute of the PDFresult element, as the following example shows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<DDX xmlns=""  
    xsi:schemaLocation=" coldfusion_ddx.xsd"> 
<PDF result="Out1" initialView="firstView"> 
<InitialViewProfile name="firstView" show="BookmarksPanel" magnification="FitPage" 

In this example, the first time the PDF document is displayed in Acrobat Reader, the document is opened to page two and the bookmark panel is displayed. The magnification of the document is adjusted to fit the page.

For more information on IntialViewProfile settings, see the Adobe LiveCycle Assembler Document Description XML Reference.