Applying a watermark to a form created in Acrobat

The following example shows how to prefill an interactive Acrobat tax form and apply a text-string watermark to the completed form that the user posted. Specifically, this example shows how to perform the following tasks:

  • Use the cfpdfform and cfpdfformparam tags to populate a form created in Acrobat.

  • Use the cfpdfform tag to write the output of a PDF post submission to a file.

  • Use the cfpdfprocessddx action to apply a text-string watermark to the completed form.

Note: This example uses the cfdocexamples database and the 1040 and 1040ez Federal tax forms. A valid user name is “cpeterson.” To download the 1040 and 1040ez IRS tax forms used in this example, go to the IRS website. Open the forms in Acrobat (not LiveCycle Designer) and add a submit button that points to the URL for the ColdFusion processing page. Also, add a hidden field with a variable that contains a unique filename used for the completed tax form.

The first ColdFusion page creates a login form that prompts for the user name and Social Security Number:

<!--- The following code creates a simple form for entering a user name and password. The 
    code does not include password verification. ---> 
<h3>Tax Login Form</h3> 
<p>Please enter your user name and your social security number.</p> 
<cfform name="loginform" action="TaxFile2.cfm" method="post"> 
        <td>User name:</td> 
        <td><cfinput type="text" name="username" required="yes"  
                message="A user name is required."></td> 
        <td><cfinput type="text" name="SS1" maxLength="3" size="3"  
            required="yes" mask="999"> - 
        <cfinput type="text" name="SS2" maxLength="2" size="2" required="yes"  
            mask="99"> - 
        <cfinput type="text" name="SS3" maxLength="4" size="4" required="yes"  
    <cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> 

The second ColdFusion page retrieves the user information from the cfdocexamples database. Also, it creates a pop-up menu with a list of available tax forms:

<!--- The following code retrieves all of the employee information for the  
            user name entered on the login page. ---> 
<cfquery name="getEmpInfo" datasource="cfdocexamples"> 
WHERE EMAIL = <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#"> 
<h3>Choose a tax form</h3> 
<p>Hello <cfoutput>#getEmpInfo.firstname#</cfoutput>,</p> 
<p>Please choose a tax form from the list:</p> 
<!--- Create a pop-up menu with a list of tax forms. ---> 
<cfset thisPath=ExpandPath(".")> 
<!--- Create a variable called filerID that is a combination of the username and the last 
    three digits of the Social Security number. ---> 
<cfset filerID="#form.username#_#form.SS3#"> 
<cfdirectory action="list" name="taxForms" directory="#thisPath#/taxforms"> 
<cfform name="taxList" method="post" action="TaxFile3.cfm"> 
    <cfselect query="taxForms" value="name" size="10" required="yes" multiple="no" 
    <cfinput type="Submit" name="OK" label="OK"> 
    <!--- Use hidden fields to pass the first name, last name, and the three parts of 
        the SSN# to the tax form. Also, create a hidden field for the filerID variable. ---> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="FirstName" value="#getEmpInfo.FirstName#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="LastName" value="#getEmpInfo.LastName#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="Phone" value="#getEmpInfo.Phone#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="SS1" value="#form.SS1#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="SS2" value="#form.SS2#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="SS3" value="#form.SS3#"> 
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="taxFiler" value="#filerID#"> 

The third ColdFusion page uses the cfpdfform and cfpdfformparam tags to populate the tax form with the user information. ColdFusion displays the tax prefilled tax form in the browser window where the user can complete the rest of the form fields. When the user clicks the submit button, Acrobat sends the completed PDF form to the ColdFusion processing page.

Note: To prefill forms, map each PDF form field name to the corresponding data element in a cfpdfformparam tag. To view the form fields, open the form in Acrobat Professional and select Forms > Edit Forms in Acrobat. For more information about prefilling forms, see Manipulating PDF Forms in ColdFusion.
<!--- The following code populates the tax form template chosen from the list with 
    information from the database query and the login form. Because no destination is 
    specified, ColdFusion displays the interactive PDF form in the browser. A hidden field 
    in the PDF form contains the name of the output file to write. It is a combination of 
    the user name and the last three numerals of the user SSN#. The submit button added to 
    the form created in Acrobat contains a URL to the ColdFusion processing page. ---> 
<cfpdfform source="taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" action="populate"> 
    <cfif "taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" is "taxForms/f1040.pdf"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_04(0)" value="#form.Firstname#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_05(0)" value="#form.Lastname#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f2_115(0)" value="#form.Phone#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_06(0)" value="#form.SS1#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_07(0)" value="#form.SS2#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_08(0)" value="#form.SS3#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="filerID" value="#form.taxFiler#_1040"> 
    <cfelseif "taxForms/#form.myTaxForm#" is "taxForms/f1040ez.pdf"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_001(0)" value="#form.Firstname#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_002(0)" value="#form.Lastname#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_070(0)" value="#form.Phone#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_003(0)" value="#form.SS1#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_004(0)" value="#form.SS2#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="f1_005(0)" value="#form.SS3#"> 
        <cfpdfformparam name="filerID" value="#form.taxFiler#_1040ez"> 

The fourth ColdFusion page uses the cfpdfform tag to process the PDF post submission and generate an output file. The filename is generated from the value of the hidden field in the tax form. The processddx action of the cfpdf tag uses the DDX instructions in the watermark.ddx file to generate a text-string watermark and apply it to the form.

The following code shows the contents of the watermark.ddx file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<DDX xmlns=""  
    xsi:schemaLocation=" coldfusion_ddx.xsd"> 
<PDF result="Out1"> 
    <PDF source="Doc1"> 
        <Watermark rotation="30" opacity="65%"> 
            <StyledText><p font-size="85pt" font-weight="bold" color="gray" 
<!--- The following code reads the PDF file submitted in binary format and generates a result 
    structure called fields. The cfpdfform populate action and the cfoutput tags reference 
    the fields in the structure. ---> 
<cfpdfform source="#PDF.content#" action="read" result="fields"/> 
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#PDF.content#" 
    destination="FiledForms\#fields.filerID#.pdf" overwrite="yes"/> 
<!--- The following code verifies that the DDX file exists and the DDX instructions are 
    valid. ---> 
<cfif IsDDX("watermark.ddx")> 
    <!--- The following code uses the processddx action of the cfpdf tag to create a text- 
        string watermark. ---> 
    <!--- This code creates a structure for the input files. ---> 
    <cfset inputStruct=StructNew()> 
    <cfset inputStruct.Doc1="FiledForms\#fields.filerID#.pdf"> 
    <!--- This code creates a structure for the output file. ---> 
    <cfset outputStruct=StructNew()> 
    <cfset outputStruct.Out1="FiledForms\#fields.filerID#.pdf"> 
    <!--- This code processes the DDX instructions and applies the watermark to the form. ---> 
    <cfpdf action="processddx" ddxfile="watermark.ddx" inputfiles="#inputStruct#" outputfiles="#outputStruct#" name="Final"> 
<h3>Tax Form Completed</h3> 
<p>Thank you for filing your tax form on line. Copy this URL to view or download your filed 
    tax form:</p> 
<a href="http://localhost:8500/Lion/FiledForms/#fields.filerID#.pdf"> 
    Link to your completed tax form</a> 