Application development and deployment process

The following is a typical process for developing and deploying a Flex application that uses the ColdFusion Data Service adapter and LiveCycle Data Services ES assembler to manage back-end database tasks:

  1. Design your application.

  2. Create the Flex application, in which you define a DataService component in MXML or ActionScript. The DataService component calls methods on a server-side Data Management Service destination to perform activities such as filling client-side data collections with data from remote data sources and synchronizing the client and server versions of data.

  3. Configure a destination for the ColdFusion Data Service adapter so that the Flex application to connect to the ColdFusion back-end application. For more information, see Configuring a destination for the ColdFusion Data Service adapter.

  4. Write your ColdFusion CFCs. For more information, see Writing the ColdFusion CFCs.

    Note: To make creating the CFCs easier, ColdFusion includes wizards that you can use in Flash Builder. For more information, see Using the ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse.
  5. Test your application by using Flex.