About Query of Queries
After you have created a recordset with a tag or function,
you can retrieve data from the recordset in one or more dependent
queries. A query that retrieves data from a recordset is called
a Query of Queries. A typical use of a Query of Queries is to retrieve
an entire table into memory with one query, and then access the table
data (the recordset) with subsequent sorting or filtering queries.
In essence, you query the recordset as if it is a database table.
Note: Because you can generate a recordset in ways
other than using the cfquery tag, the term In Memory
Query is sometimes used instead of Query of Queries.
Benefits of Query of QueriesPerforming
a Query of Queries has many benefits, including the following:
When you have to access the same tables multiple times,
you greatly reduce access time, because the data is already in memory
(in the recordset).
A Query of Queries is ideal for tables
of 5,000 to 50,000 rows, and is limited only by the memory of the
ColdFusion host computer.
You can perform joins and union operations on results from
different data sources.
For example, you can perform a union
operation on queries from different databases to eliminate duplicates
for a mailing list.
You can efficiently manipulate cached query results in different
ways. You can query a database once, and then use the results to
generate several different summary tables.
For example, to
summarize the total salary by department, by skill, and by job, you
can make one query to the database and use its results in three
separate queries to generate the summaries.
You can obtain drill-down, master-detail information for
which you do not access the database for the details.
example, you can select information about departments and employees
in a query, and cache the results. You can then display the names
of the employees. When users select an employee, the application
displays the details of the employees by selecting information from
the cached query, without accessing the database.
You can use a Query of Queries in report definitions to generate
subreport data. For more information, see Using subreports.
Performing a Query of QueriesPerform a Query of Queries as follows:
Generate a recordset through a master query.
can write a master query using a tag or function that creates a
recordset. For more information, see Creating a recordset.
Write a detail query—a cfquery tag
that specifies dbtype="query".
In the detail query, write a SQL statement that retrieves
the relevant records. Specify the names of one or more existing
queries as the table names in your SQL code. Do not specify a datasource attribute.
If the database content does not change
rapidly, use the cachedwithin attribute of the
master query to cache the query results between page requests. This
way, ColdFusion accesses the database on the first page request, and
does not query the database again until the specified time expires.
Use the CreateTimeSpan function to
specify the cachedwithin attribute value (in days,
hours, minutes, seconds format).
The detail query generates a new query result set, identified
by the value of the name attribute of the detail
query. The following example illustrates the use of a master query
and a single detail query that extracts information from the master.
Use the results of a query in a queryCreate
a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<h1>Employee List</h1>
<!--- LastNameSearch (normally generated interactively) --->
<cfset LastNameSearch="Doe">
<!--- Master Query --->
<cfquery datasource="cfdocexamples" name="master"
SELECT * from Employee
<!--- Detail Query (dbtype=query, no data source) --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="detail">
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName
FROM master
WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#LastNameSearch#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" maxLength="20"></cfquery>
<!--- output the detail query results --->
<p>Output using a query of query:</p>
<cfoutput query=detail>
#Emp_ID#: #FirstName# #LastName#<br>
<p>Columns in the master query:</p>
<p>Columns in the detail query:</p>
Save the page as query_of_query.cfm in the myapps directory
under the web_root.
Display query_of_query.cfm in your browser
Reviewing the codeThe master query retrieves the entire Employee
table from the cfdocexamples data source. The detail query selects
only the three columns to display for employees with the specified
last name. The following table describes the code and its function:
cfset LastNameSearch="Doe"
Sets the last name to use in the detail
query. In a complete application, this information comes from user
<cfquery datasource="cfdocexamples" name="master" cachedwithin=#CreateTimeSpan(0,1,0,0)#>
SELECT * from Employee
Queries the cfdocexamples data source and
selects all data in the Employees table. Caches the query data between
requests to this page, and does not query the database if the cached
data is less than an hour old.
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="detail">
SELECT Emp_ID, FirstName, LastName FROM master WHERE LastName=<cfqueryparam value="#LastNameSearch#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" maxLength="20">
Uses the master query as the source of the
data in a new query, named detail. This new query selects only entries
that match the last name specified by the LastNameSearch variable.
The query also selects only three columns of data: employee ID,
first name, and last name. The query uses the cfqueryparam tag to prevent passing
erroneous or harmful code.
<cfoutput query=detail>
#Emp_ID#: #FirstName# #LastName# <br>
Uses the detail query to display the list
of employee IDs, first names, and last names.
Lists all the columns returned by the master
Lists all the columns returned by the detail
Displaying recordset data incrementallyIf your database is large, you can
limit the number of rows displayed at one time. The following example
shows how to do this using the currentRow query variable
of a Query of Queries. For more information on query variables,
see Getting information about query results.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>QoQ with incremental row return</title>
<h3>QoQ with incremental row return</h3>
<!--- define startrow and maxrows to facilitate 'next N' style browsing --->
<cfparam name = "MaxRows" default = "5">
<cfparam name = "StartRow" default = "1">
<!--- master query: retrieve all info from Employee table --->
<cfquery name = "GetSals" datasource = "cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<!--- detail query: select 3 fields from the master query --->
<cfquery name = "GetSals2" dbtype = "query">
SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary
FROM GetSals
<!--- build table to display output --->
<table cellpadding = 1 cellspacing = 1>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<b><i> </i></b>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<td bgcolor = f0f0f0>
<!--- Output the query and define the startrow and maxrows
parameters. Use the query variable currentRow to
keep track of the row you are displaying. --->
<cfoutput query = "GetSals2" startrow = "#StartRow#" maxrows = "#MaxRows#">
<td valign = top bgcolor = ffffed>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#FirstName#</font>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#LastName#</font>
<td valign = top>
<font size = "-1">#LSCurrencyFormat(Salary)#</font>
<!--- If the total number of records is less than or equal to
the total number of rows, provide a link to the same page, with the
StartRow value incremented by MaxRows (5, in this example) --->
<td colspan = 4>
<cfif (startrow + maxrows) lte getsals2.recordcount>
<a href="qoq_next_row.cfm?startrow=<cfoutput>#Evaluate(StartRow +
MaxRows)#</cfoutput>">See next <cfoutput>#MaxRows#</cfoutput>
Save the page as qoq_next_row.cfm in the myapps directory
under the web_root.
Display qoq_next_row.cfm in your browser.
Using the cfdump tag with query resultsAs you debug your CFML
code, you can use the cfdump tag to quickly display the
contents of your query. This tag has the following format:
<cfdump var="#query_name#">
For more information on the cfdump tag, see the CFML Reference.
Using Query of Queries with non-SQL recordsetsA Query of Queries can operate on any CFML tag
or function that returns a recordset; you are not limited to operating
on cfquery results. You can
perform queries on non-SQL recordsets, such as a cfdirectory tag, a cfsearch tag, a cfldap tag, and so on.
The following example shows how a Query of Queries interacts
with the recordset of a Verity search. This example assumes that
you have a valid Verity collection, called bbb, which contains documents
with a target word, film, or its variants (films, filmed, filming).
Change the name of the collection and the search criteria to as
appropriate for your Verity collection. For more information on Verity,
see Building a Search Interface.
Use Query of Queries with a Verity recordsetCreate a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>QoQ and Verity</title>
<!--- Master query: retrieve all documents from the bbb collection
that contain 'film' (or its stemmed variants); change values for
collection and criteria as needed for your Verity collection. --->
<cfsearch name = "quick"
type = "simple"
<h3>Master query dump:</h3>
<cfdump var="#quick#">
<!--- Detail query: retrieve from the master query only those
documents with a score greater than a criterion (here,
0.7743). --->
<cfquery name="qoq" dbtype="query">
SELECT * from quick
WHERE quick.score > 0.7743
<h3>Detail query dump:</h3>
<cfdump var="#qoq#">
Save the page as qoq_verity.cfm in the myapps directory under
the web_root.
Display qoq_verity.cfm in your browser
The next example shows how a Query of Queries combines recordsets
from a cfdirectory tag, which is limited to retrieval
of one file type per use.
Use Query of Queries to combine recordsetsCreate
a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Images Folder</title>
<h2>Image Retrieval with QoQ</h2>
<!--- Set the images directory. --->
<cfset dir = ("C:\pix\")>
<!--- Retrieve all GIFs. --->
<cfdirectory name="GetGIF"
<!--- Retrieve all JPGs --->
<cfdirectory name="GetJPG"
<!--- Join the queries with a UNION in a QoQ (cfdirectory
automatically returns the directory name as "Name"). --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="GetBoth">
<!--- Display output in a linked, ordered list. --->
<p>The <strong>#dir#</strong> directory contains #GetBoth.RecordCount#
<cfloop query="GetBoth">
<li><a href="../images/#Name#">#GetBoth.Name#</a><br>
Save the page as qoq_cfdirectory.cfm in the myapps directory
under the web_root.
Display qoq_cfdirectory.cfm in your browser.