ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
Passing data to custom tagsTo make your custom tags flexible, you often pass data to them for processing. To do so, you write custom tags that take tag attributes and other data as input from a calling page. Passing values to and from custom tagsBecause custom tags are individual ColdFusion pages, variables and other data are not automatically shared between a custom tag and the calling page. To pass data from the calling page to the custom tag, you can specify attribute name-value pairs in the custom tag, just as you do for normal HTML and CFML tags. For example, to pass the value of the NameYouEntered variable to the cf_getmd tag, you can call the custom tag as follows: <cf_getmd Name=#NameYouEntered#> To pass multiple attributes to a custom tag, separate them with a space in the tag as follows: <cf_mytag Firstname="Thadeus" Lastname="Jones"> In the custom tag, you use the Attributes scope to access attributes passed to the tag. Therefore, in the getmd.cfm page, you access the passed attribute as Attributes.Name. The mytag.cfm custom tag page refers to the passed attributes as Attributes.Firstname and Attributes.Lastname. The custom tag page can also access variables set in the calling page by prefixing the calling page’s local variable with Caller. However, this technique is not the best way to pass information to a custom tag, because each calling page would be required to create variables with the names required by the custom tag. You can create more flexible custom tags by passing parameters using attributes. Variables created within a custom tag are deleted when the processing of the tag terminates. Therefore, if you want to pass information back to the calling page, write that information back to the Caller scope of the calling page. You cannot access the custom tag’s variables outside the custom tag itself. For example, use the following code in the getmd.cfm page to set the variable Doctor on the calling page: <cfset Caller.Doctor="Doctor " & Attributes.Name> If the variable Doctor does not exist in the calling page, this statement creates it. If the variable exists, the custom tag overwrites it. The following image shows the relationship between the variables on the calling page and the custom tag: One common technique used by custom tags is for the custom tag to take as input an attribute that contains the name of the variable to use to pass back results. For example, the calling page passes returnHere as the name of the variable to use to pass back results: <cf_mytag resultName="returnHere"> In mytag.cfm, the custom tag passes back its results using the following code: <cfset "Caller.#Attributes.resultName#" = result> Be careful not to overwrite variables in the calling page from the custom tag. Adopt a naming convention to minimize the chance of overwriting variables. For example, prefix the returned variable with customtagname_, where customtagname is the name of the custom tag. Note: Data that pertains to the HTTP request or to
the current application is visible in the custom tag page. This
data includes the variables in the Form, URL, Cgi, Request, Cookies,
Server, Application, Session, and Client scopes.
Using tag attributes summaryCustom tag attribute values are passed from the calling page to the custom tag page as name-value pairs. CFML custom tags support required and optional attributes. Custom tag attributes conform to the following CFML coding standards:
Custom tag example with attributesThe following example creates a custom tag that uses an attribute that is passed to it to set the value of a variable called Doctor on the calling page.
The calling page uses the getmd custom tag and displays the results. Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the code and its function:
Passing custom tag attributes by using CFML structuresYou can use the reserved attribute attributeCollection to pass attributes to custom tags using a structure. The attributeCollection attribute must reference a structure containing the attribute names as the keys and the attribute values as the values. You can freely mix attributeCollection with other attributes when you call a custom tag. The key-value pairs in the structure specified by the attributeCollection attribute get copied into the Attributes scope of the custom tag pages. This action has the same effect as specifying the attributeCollection entries as individual attributes when you call the custom tag. The custom tag page refers to the attributes passed using attributeCollection the same way as it does other attributes; for example, as Attributes.CustomerName or Attributes.Department_number. Note: You can combine tag attributes and the attributeCollection attribute when
you use a custom tag directly or when you use the cfmodule tag
to invoke a custom tag. If you pass an attribute with the same name
both explicitly and in the attributeCollection structure,
ColdFusion passes only the tag attribute to the custom tag and ignores
the corresponding attribute from the attribute collection. You cannot
combine tag attributes and the attributeCollection attribute when
you use standard (built in) ColdFusion tags.
Custom tag processing reserves the attributeCollection attribute for the structure holding a collection of custom tag attributes. If attributeCollection does not reference such a collection, ColdFusion generates a template exception. The following example uses an attributeCollection attribute to pass two of four attributes: <cfset zort=StructNew()> <cfset zort.x = "-X-"> <cfset zort.y = "-Y-"> <cf_testtwo a="blab" attributeCollection=#zort# foo="16"> If testtwo.cfm contains the following code: ---custom tag ---<br> <cfoutput>#attributes.a# #attributes.x# #attributes.y#</cfoutput><br> --- end custom tag --- its output is the following statement: ---custom tag --- blab -X- -Y- 16 --- end custom tag --- One use for attributeCollection is to pass the entire Attributes scope of one custom tag to another. This technique is useful when you have one custom tag that calls a second custom tag and you want to pass all attributes from the first tag to the second. For example, you call a custom tag with the following code: <cf_first attr1="foo" attr2="bar"> To pass all the attributes of the first custom tag to the second, you include the following statement in first.cfm: <cf_second attributeCollection="#attributes#"> Within the body of second.cfm, you reference the parameters passed to it as follows: <cfoutput>#attributes.attr1#</cfoutput> <cfoutput>#attributes.attr2#</cfoutput> |