ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
Invoking CFC methods with forms and URLsYou can invoke CFC methods directly by specifying the CFC in a URL, or by using HTML and CFML form tags. Because all HTTP requests are transient, these methods only let you transiently invoke methods. They do not let you create persistent CFC instances. Invoking component methods by using a URLTo invoke a component method by using a URL, append the method name to the URL in standard URL query-string, name-value syntax. You can invoke only one component method per URL request, for example: http://localhost:8500/tellTime.cfc?method=getLocalTime Note: To use URL invocation, set the access attribute
of the cffunction tag to remote.
To pass parameters to component methods using a URL, append the parameters to the URL in standard URL query-string, name-value pair syntax; for example: http://localhost:8500/corpQuery.cfc?method=getEmp&lastName=camden To pass multiple parameters within a URL, use the ampersand character (&) to delimit the name-value pairs; for example: http://localhost:8500/corpQuerySecure.cfc?method=getAuth&store=women&dept=shoes Note: To ensure data security, Adobe strongly recommends
that you not pass sensitive information over the web using URL strings.
Potentially sensitive information includes all personal user information,
including passwords, addresses, telephone numbers, and so on.
If a CFC method that you access using the URL displays output directly, the user’s browser shows the output. You can suppress output by specifying output="No" in the cffunction tag. If the CFC returns a result using the cfreturn tag, ColdFusion converts the text to HTML edit format (with special characters replaced by their HTML escape sequences), places the result in a WDDX packet, and includes the packet in the HTML that it returns to the client. Invoking component methods by using a formTo invoke a method by using a ColdFusion or HTML form, do the following:
If the CFC method that you invoke from the form displays output directly, the user’s browser shows the output. (You can use the cffunction tag output attribute to disable displaying output.) If the CFC returns a result using the cfreturn tag, ColdFusion converts the text to HTML edit format, places it in a WDDX packet, and includes the packet in the HTML that it returns to the client.