Deleting elements from an array

Use the ArrayDeleteAt function to delete data from the array at a particular index, instead of setting the data value to zero or an empty string. If you remove data from an array, the array resizes dynamically, as the following example shows:

<!--- Create an array with three elements ---> 
<cfset firstname=ArrayNew(1)> 
<cfset firstname[1]="Robert"> 
    <cfset firstname[2]="Wanda"> 
    <cfset firstname[3]="Jane"> 
<!--- Delete the second element from the array ---> 
<cfset temp=ArrayDeleteAt(firstname, 2)> 
<!--- Display the array length (2) and its two entries, 
    which are now "Robert" and "Jane" ---> 
    The array now has #ArrayLen(firstname)# indexes<br> 
    The first entry is #firstname[1]#<br> 
        The second entry is #firstname[2]#<br> 

The ArrayDeleteAt function removed the original second element and resized the array so that it has two entries, with the second element now being the original third element.