
ColdFusion expressions consist of operands and operators. Constants and variables are operands. Operators, such as the multiplication sign, are the verbs that act on the operands; functions are a form of operator.

The simplest expression consists of a single operand with no operators. Complex expressions have multiple operators and operands. The following are all ColdFusion expressions:

(1 + 1)/2 
"father" & "Mother" 

Operators act on the operands. Some operators, such as functions with a single argument, take a single operand. Many operators, including most arithmetic and logical operators, take two operands. The following is the general form of a two-operand expression:

Expression Operator Expression

Expressions surround the operator. Each expression can be a simple operand (variable or constant) or a subexpression consisting of more operators and expressions. Complex expressions are built up using subexpressions. For example, in the expression (1 + 1)/2, 1 + 1 is a subexpression consisting of an operator and two operands.