Date-Time values

ColdFusion can perform operations on date and time values. Date-time values identify a date and time in the range 100 AD to 9999 AD. Although you can specify just a date or a time, ColdFusion uses one data type representation, called a date-time object, for date, time, and date and time values.

ColdFusion provides many functions to create and manipulate date-time values and to return all or part of the value in several different formats.

You can enter date and time values directly in a cfset tag with a constant, as follows:

<cfset myDate = "October 30, 2001">

When you do this, ColdFusion stores the information as a string. If you use a date-time function, ColdFusion stores the value as a date-time object, which is a separate simple data type. When possible, use date-time functions such as CreateDate and CreateTime to specify dates and times, because these functions can prevent you from specifying the date or time in an invalid format and they create a date-time object immediately.

Date and time formats

You can directly enter a date, time, or date and time, using standard U.S. date formats. ColdFusion processes the two-digit-year values 0 to 29 as twenty-first century dates; it processes the two-digit-year values 30 to 99 as twentieth century dates. Time values can include units down to seconds. The following table lists valid date and time formats:

To specify

Use these formats


October 30, 2003

Oct 30, 2003

Oct. 30, 2003










Date and Time

Any combination of valid date and time formats, such as these:

October 30, 2003 02:34:12

Oct 30, 2003 2:34a

Oct. 30, 2001 2:34am

10/30/03 02:34am

2003-10-30 2am

10-30-2003 2am

Locale-specific dates and times

ColdFusion provides several functions that let you input and output dates and times (and numbers and currency values) in formats that are specific to the current locale. A locale identifies a language and locality, such as English (US) or French (Swiss). Use these functions to input or output dates and times in formats other than the U.S. standard formats. (Use the SetLocale function to specify the locale.) The following example shows how to do this:

<cfset oldlocale = SetLocale("French (Standard)")> 
<cfoutput>#LSDateFormat(Now(), "ddd, dd mmmm, yyyy")#</cfoutput>

This example outputs a line like the following:

mar., 03 juin, 2003

For more information on international functions, see Developing Globalized Applications and the CFML Reference.

How ColdFusion stores dates and times

ColdFusion stores and manipulates dates and times as date-time objects. Date-time objects store data on a timeline as real numbers. This storage method increases processing efficiency and directly mimics the method used by many database systems. In date-time objects, one day is equal to the difference between two successive integers. The time portion of the date-and-time value is stored in the fractional part of the real number. The value 0 represents 12:00 AM 12/30/1899.

Although you can use arithmetic operations to manipulate date-and-time values directly, this method can result in code that is difficult to understand and maintain. Use the ColdFusion date-time manipulation functions instead. For information on these functions, see the CFML Reference.