Using the Document class

The Document class is the proxy for the ColdFusion Document service, which provides the functionality of the cfdocument tag and its child cfdocumentsection and cfdocumentitem tags.
  • You specify the cfdocument attributes as Document object properties. You specify document content that is not in a section as a content element of the document object.

  • You represent document sections in the documentSection element of the document object. The documentSection element is an arrays of objects, each of which represents a single document section. These objects include a content element for the section content, an optional documentItem element for the document items, and elements for any other section attributes.

  • You represent all document items in a document section (or the document object) as an array of objects with type and content elements. The array element type field specifies whether the item is a header, footer, or page break. You specify the document item array as a documentItem element of the document object or a documentSection object.

  • You call the document object execute() function to run the service.

The following excerpt from the full example shows how to create sections and items and add them to a document:

var docItem:Array = [{type:"header",content:"<font size='-3'> 
<i>Salary Report</i></font>"},{type:"footer", 
content:"<font size='-3'> 
Page #cfdocument.currentpagenumber#</font>"}]; 
[Bindable]var docSectionItem:Array = [{content:"<table width='95%' 
border='2' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' > 
<td><font size='-1'>John</font></td> 
<td align='right'><font size='-1'>Guess What</font></td></tr> 
<tr><td align='right'><font size='-1'>Total</font></td> 
<td align='right'><font size='-1'>Peanuts</font></td></tr>", 
cfDoc.documentSection = docSectionItem; 

The following example shows some typical document use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" 
layout="vertical" xmlns:cf="coldfusion.service.mxml.*" 
    import mx.controls.Alert; 
    import coldfusion.service.PdfParam; 
    var docItem:Array = [{type:"header",content:" 
    <font size='-3'><i>Salary Report</i></font>"}, 
    {type:"footer",content:"<font size='-3'> 
    Page <cfoutput>#cfdocument.currentpagenumber# 
    var docSection:Array = 
    var docSectionItem:Array = 
    var res:String = new String(); 
    private function init():void 
    private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void 
            //"httpurl= "+event.result.toString()); 
        private function handleError(event:Event):void 
<cf:Config id="configid" cfServer="localhost" 
cfPort="80" servicePassword="service" serviceUserName="service" /> 
        <!-- simple case--> 
        <cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate" 
        format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)" 
        <!--doc item case --> 
        <!--<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate" 
        format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)" 
        fault="handleError(event)" documentItem="{docItem}"/>--> 
        <!-- doc section case--> 
        <!--<cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate" 
        format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)" 
        fault="handleError(event)" documentSection="{docSection}"/>--> 
        <!-- doc section and doc item case 
        <cf:Document id="doctestnow" action="generate" 
        format="flashpaper" result="handleResult(event)" 
        fault="handleError(event)" documentSection="{docSectionItem}" />--> 
        <mx:SWFLoader source="{res}"/> 