Solr search examples

The following examples show the search syntax used while performing search operations using Solr:

  • Single word search: The following example shows how to search for a single word in a collection:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" collection="solr_complex" criteria="Graphics">
  • Multiple word search: The following example shows how to search a document or query having words "ColdFusion" and "Green" in it:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria="+Green +Coldfusion"> 
  • Search with at least one word: The following example shows how search for at least "Coldfusion" OR (Green OR Blue):

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" +Coldfusion Green Blue">
  • Search for one word, but not the other: The following example shows how to search for "Green" but NOT "Coldfusion":

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" -Coldfusion +Green"> 
  • Fuzzy search: The following example shows how to search words like roam, roams, foam, foams:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" roam~"> 

    Alternate way to perform a fuzzy search for "roam":

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 

    Searching for higher similarity with ‘roam’:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" roam~0.8" > 
  • Wildcard search: The following syntax searches for 'test', 'text', 'teat', and so on:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" te?t"> 

    This example searches for 'test', 'text', 'teeeeeext', and 'texyzt':

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria=" te*t"> 
    Note: You cannot use a * or question mark (?) symbol as the first character of a search.
  • Proximity search: To search for "apache" and "jakarta" within five words of each other in a document, use the following search:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria='"jakarta apache" ~10'> 
  • Range Search: Following searches all documents with title between 'fuzzy1.txt' to 'text1.txt':

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 
    criteria="title:fuzzy1.txt TO text1.txt"> 

    To search a document whose modification date is between a given range:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 
    criteia="modified:20080101 TO 20500101"> 

    These ranges are inclusive of start and end terms. To exclude them, use curly brackets{} instead.

  • Field search: To search any document whose title contains "fuzzy1.txt"

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 

    Searching for document that contains title as 'fuzzy1.txt' OR 'fuzzy2.txt':

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 

    The following syntax can be used to perform the same search:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 
    criteria=' ""title:fuzzy1.txt"" OR ""title:fuzzy2.txt"" '> 

    Alternatively, you can search using the following syntax:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch" 
    criteria="title:(test* +fuzzy1*)"> 
  • String search:

    <cfsearch name="qsearch1" 
    criteria='"Cold Fusiongava" OR "Internet Tools"'> 
  • Searching synonyms: There are two ways to search documents that have synonymous words like 'MB', 'megabyte', 'gig', and so on:

    1. If collection is not yet created, go to:


      This file contains some default mappings such as 'GB, gig, gigabyte, gigabytes'. Define your synonym mappings in the next row.

    2. If you want to add a synonym mapping for a collection that is already created, go to <collection_location>/conf/synonyms.txt and define your mapping.

      Restart the Solr server after defining mapping.