ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetDescriptionSets a specified sheet as active sheet. ReturnsDoes not return a value. CategoryMicrosoft Office Integration Function syntaxSpreadsheetSetActiveSheet(spreadsheetobj, sheetname) See alsoSpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber, SpreadsheetAddColumn, SpreadsheetAddImage, SpreadsheetAddRow, SpreadsheetDeleteRow, SpreadsheetDeleteRows, SpreadsheetFormatRow, SpreadsheetFormatRows, SpreadsheetShiftRows HistoryColdFusion 9: Added the function. Parameters
UsageYou can set only one sheet as active at a time. Therefore, any sheet operation is limited to a particular sheet. For operations in any other sheet, you must set that sheet as active. ExampleThe following example shows how to switch from one sheet to another and perform operations. <!--- Get the spreadsheet data as a query. ---> <cfquery name="courses" datasource="cfdocexamples" cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0, 6, 0, 0)#"> SELECT CORNUMBER,DEPT_ID,COURSE_ID,CORNAME FROM COURSELIST </cfquery> <cfscript> ///We need an absolute path, so get the current directory path. theFile=GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) & courses.xls"; //Create a new Excel spreadsheet object and add the query data. theSheet = SpreadsheetNew("CourseData"); SpreadsheetAddRows(theSheet,courses); //Create a new sheet. SpreadsheetCreateSheet (theSheet, "EvaluationSheet"); //Set the sheet as active. SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet (theSheet, "EvaluationSheet"); //Add a new row to the sheet. SpreadsheetAddRows(theSheet,courses); </cfscript> <!--- Write the spreadsheet to a file, replacing any existing file. ---> <cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#theFile#" name="theSheet" sheet=1 sheetname="courses" overwrite=true> |