ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
DirectoryListDescriptionLists the contents of on-disk or in-memory directory. Also lists the contents of the sub-directories if recurse is set to true. ReturnsContents of the directory based
on the parameter listInfo:
CategoryFunction SyntaxDirectoryList(path [,recurse] [,listInfo] [,filter] [,sort]) Parameters
UsageEnsure that you have the required permissions to run this function. ExampleThe following code dumps the contents of a directory: <h2>DirectoryList Example</h2> <h3>Enter a directory for Listing.</h3> <cfform action = "directoryList.cfm" method="post" preservedata="true" > <label for="listDirectory">Directory Path: </label><cfinput type = "text" id="listDirectory" name = "listDirectory"> <br /> <label for="recurse">Recurse: </label><cfinput id="recurse" type="checkbox" value="recurse" name="recurse"> <br /> <label for="listInfo">List Info: </label> <cfselect name="listInfo" id="listInfo"> <option value="name">name</option> <option value="path">path</option> <option value="query">query</option> </cfselect> <br /> <label for="filter">Filter: </label><cfinput id="filter" type="text" value="" name="filter"> <br/> <input type = "submit" value="submit" name = "submit"> </cfform> <cfif IsDefined("FORM.listDirectory")> <cfif FORM.listDirectory is not ""> <cfset listDirectory = FORM.listDirectory> <cfset recurse = false> <cfif isDefined("FORM.recurse")> <cfset recurse = true> </cfif> <cfset listInfo = FORM.listInfo> <cfset filter = FORM.filter> <cftry> <cfset res= DirectoryList(listDirectory,recurse,listInfo,filter)> <cfoutput><b>Content of Directory #listDirectory#: </b></cfoutput> <cfdump var="#res#"> <cfcatch> <b>Error Message:</b><cfoutput>#cfcatch.message#</cfoutput><br/> <b>Error Detail:</b><cfoutput>#cfcatch.Detail#</cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> </cfif> </cfif> |