ColdFusion 9.0 Resources |
cffileDescriptionManages interactions with server files. The following sections describe the actions of the cffile tag: Note: To execute, this tag must be enabled in the ColdFusion
Administrator. For more information, see Configuring and Administering
If your ColdFusion applications run on a server used by multiple customers, consider the security of the files that could be uploaded or manipulated by cffile. For more information, see Configuring and Administering ColdFusion. HistoryColdFusion 9: uploadAll action ColdFusion 8: Support for reading and writing cfimages. ColdFusion MX 7:
ColdFusion MX 6.1:
ColdFusion MX:
Example<!--- This shows how to write, read, update, and delete a file using CFFILE. This is a view-only example. ---> <!--- <cfif IsDefined("form.formsubmit") is "Yes"> <!--- The form has been submitted, now do the action. ---> <cfif form.action is "new"> <!--- Make a new file. ---> <cffile action="Write" file="#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt" output="#form.the_text#"> </cfif> <cfif form.action is "read"> <!--- Read existing file. ---> <cffile action="Read" file="#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt" variable="readText"> </cfif> <cfif form.action is "add"> <!--- Update existing file. ---> <cffile action="Append" file="#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt" output="#form.the_text#"> </cfif> <cfif form.action is "delete"> <!--- Delete existing fil. ---> <cffile action="Delete" file="#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt"> </cfif> </cfif> <!--- Set some variables. ---> <cfparam name="fileExists" default="no"> <cfparam name="readText" default=""> <!--- First, check whether canned file exists. ---> <cfif FileExists("#GetTempDirectory()#foobar.txt") is "Yes"> <cfset fileExists="yes"> </cfif> <!--- Now, make the form that runs the example. ---> <form action="index.cfm" method="POST"> <h4>Type in some text to include in your file:</h4> <p> <cfif fileExists is "yes"> <p>A file exists (foobar.txt, in <cfoutput>#GetTempDirectory()#</cfoutput>). You may add to it, read from it, or delete it. </p> </cfif> <!--- If reading from a form, let that information display in textarea. ---> <textarea name="the_text" cols="40" rows="5"> <cfif readText is not ""> <cfoutput>#readText#</cfoutput> </cfif></textarea> <!--- Select from the actions depending on whether the file exists. ---> <select name="action"> <cfif fileExists is "no"> <option value="new">Make new file </cfif> <cfif fileExists is "yes"> <option value="add">Add to existing file <option value="delete">Delete file <option value="read">Read existing file </cfif> </select> <input type="Hidden" name="formsubmit" value="yes"> <input type="Submit" name="" value="make my changes"> </form> ---> |